The Rattlerette


45th annual PHS All-Class Reunion

will be held

July 21, 2012

The 45th annual PHS All-Class Reunion will be held July 21, 2012. This year will be the 65th reunion for the Class of 1947. The following 15 alumni graduated that year. Dolores Baiers, Elaine Coyle, Mary Lou Foster, Shirley Gunderson, Martin Hanna, Wayne Hanna, Marion Hardman, Jerry Hoppes, Robert Luke, LaVonne Nelson, Onral O'Banion, Peter Parmenter, James Ritter, Mary Seber and William Trotter. Class of 47

Class of 52 The Class of 1952 will be celebrating its 60th reunion. They had 25 alumni. Harold Alspach, William Burnison, Fred Coates, Carol Coen, Donna Dyer, Dean Forbord, Val Hendrix, Yvonne Heppner, Darrell Hoar, Beverly Johnson, Rosemary Kilgore, Lloyd Leonard, James Mickelson, Sally Morehouse, Jean Morrison, Margaret Nafziger, Michael Nehl, Phyllis Nygaard, Jack Rennau, Rita Rostad, Daryle Roth, Marilyn Silvernale, Donald Simpson, Ronald Simpson and Wayne Varvel.

55 years ago 28 alumni graduated in the Class of 1957. They were; Coleman Bazzle, Charlene Beckfield, Mark Breen, Karen Britton, Nevetta Buhn, Charlette Detling, Donna Ferdig, Floyd Gibbons, Herb Goodman, Leland Hardman, Robert Hedland, Evelyn Hipsher, Tom Hoffman, Karmen Hudson, Betty Hutchens, Margo Iversen, Mark Kills Enemy, Deanne Marsh, Don Parsons, Jean Peed, Ruby Pond, Frances Pourier, Paul Rodriguez, Vivian Rodriguez, Jo Ann Schulz, Jerry Skroch, Ray Strain and Charles Zimiga. Class of 57

Class of 62

With 27 alumni, the Class of 62 will have their 50th reunion. Deanna Bettcher, Joan Catlett, Barbara Cooley, Sherry Hartman, Linda Hedglin, Wendell Herrold, Mike Hicks, Carol Houska, Judy Kennedy, David Kime, Gloria Lachelt, Nina Lathrop, Judy Merrill, Ronald Nelson, Bill Ottmann, Clarence Richardson, Hugh Ritchey, Judy Schoch, Dave Sebring, Dick Sebring, Norm Smith, Steve Thrasher, Heather Tinsley, Janet Wages, Pat Watson, Ken Worthley, Shirley Wright were the graduating class.

The Class of 67 had a graduating class of 3. They were; Mary Hipsher, Jim Martin and Joyce Meier.

Class of 67 This was the last graduating class of PHS. One month after they graduated; Provo School, Igloo and Black Hills Army Depot ceased to exist.

The following teachers and students attended last years (2011) reunion; Clarence Anderson, 55; Esther (Anderson) Waltman, 50; Eunice (Anderson) Holt, 54; Jim Anderson, 63; Bruce Barkley, 66; Dave Bauer, 59; Janice (Bergeleen) Baker, 65; Roger Bohart, 63; Russell Bohart, 60; George Boltz, 60; Dave Boltz, 71; Priscilla (Boltz) Krumholz, 58; Sharon (Boltz) Kaping, 66; Judy (Breen) Roth, 58; Karen (Breen) Smith, 61; Bob Breen, (69); Tom Buechler, 61; Barbara (Buhn) Kane, 56; Nevetta (Buhn) Sieg, 57; Bob Bush, 65; Fred Coates, 52; Barb (Cooley) Ferguson, 62; Sandy (Cooley) Copeland, 61; Wendy (Cooley) Miller, (69); Kathleen (Coyle) Roth, 50; Patty (Coyle) Johnson, (51); Leonne (Christensen) Geary, (55); Lois (Dappen) Jones, (63); Paul Dappen, 60; Louis De Leon, 55; Pat De Leon, 50; Ted De Leon, 58; Donna (Dyer) Thompson, 52; Ray Eck, 61; Jeanyne (Facklam) Schuler, 57; Joe Ferman, 61; Dave Geary, 55; Lucinda (Gilpin) Shibles, 61; Carol (Harbaugh) Pengra, 51; Del Harbaugh, 50; Donna (Harbaugh) Parks, 48; Shirley (Hardman) Johnson, 50; Terry (Hall) Koontz, (69); Joyce (Haub) Vignolo, (59); Duane Hedland, 55; Robert Hedland, 57; Mike Hicks, 62; Woody Hipsher, 65; Ellen (Hoehne) McKnight, 48; Tom Hoffman, 57; Jerry Holt, 51; Karmen (Hudson) Peterson, 57; Jo Ann (Hutchison) Lux, 51; Gwenda (Iversen) Morrison, (63); Margo (Iversen) Anderson, 57; Beverly (Johnson) Lindblom, 52; Jerry Lanphear, (61); Beverly (Kinser) Olson, 50; Rodney Kirby, 65; Rita (Krumholz) Stuen, 60; Herb Larvie, 61; Jim Lovell, (49); Patsy (Ludington) Nichols, 60; Jim Martin, 67; Alice (Mayer) Scranton, 53; Arlie (McBride) Schumacher, (62); Janette (Meier) Anderson, 61; Jim McCoy, 66; Jim Morrison, teacher; Jim Mudge, (50); Gloria (Nicolls) Bennett, 62; Elmer Nygaard, 56; Darlene (Olmstead) Geboe, 59; Ed Olmstead, 60; Gary Olson, 61; Debbie (Osterholt) Huskey, 72; Bill Ottmann, 62; Dick Parsons, 55-teacher; Jean (Peed) Cooper, 57; Frances (Pourier) Williams, 57; Bonnie (Resseguie) Nygaard, (58); Colleen (Riley) Kranz, (57); Marlene (Robb) Doyle, (59); Rose (Rodriguez) Weaver, (59); Francis Rose, 54; Jack Roth, 50; Barbara (Schmaltz) Bigbie, 61; Mary Anne (Schmaltz) Krumholz, 59; Bob Schumacher, 50; Jim Schumacher, 54; Jerry Sears, 64; Marilyn (Smith) Schertzer, 61; Norman Smith, 62; Rita (Skroch) Pourier, 66; Rosemarie (Skroch) Snyder, 58; Ian Snyder, 56; Maritta (Sovinski) Bush, 66; Frank Stearns, 59; Phyllis (Stearns) Skea, 50; Dallas Stewart, 61; Ray Strain, 57; Chuck Stokes, 66; Terry Stuen, 61; Sharon (Tinsley) Fritz, 55; Pat (Turnquist) Doyle, 55; Pam (Turnquist) Golden, 65; Sandra (Turnquist) Samway, 61; Wayne Varvel, 52; Bob Waugh, 50; Rita (Wright) Shannon, 59; Mary (Yunko) Palmer, 63; Charles Zimiga, 57.

Also attending were: Chuck Johnson, Linda (Sovinski) Parsons, Reldon Doyle, Ben & Hortense Artichoker, Sally Staley, Fred Schuler, Ross Roll, Jane Ann Henderson, John Parks, Greg & Chuck Kopriva, Barbra Strozewski, Fern Smith, Hazel Rogers, Floyd Osterholt, Florence Krantz, Harold Waltman

The Igloo Reunion on Sunday also included many of the above plus; Murdoch Johnson; Amy (Johnson) Davis; Beatrice McCoy; Joyce McCoy; Clara Zechin.

Balance on hand for 2011 ----------------------------------------------- $2035
Donations ---------------------------------------------------------------- $648
Registration ------------------------------------------------------------- $2090
Cost of meals ----------------------------------------------------------- $1785
Postage, printing, etc. ---------------------------------------------------- $564
Alumni Committee breakfast ----------------------------------------------- $78
Balance on hand for 2012 .................................................................. $2346

We received two more donations in memory of "Big Dan"; $50 from Ian and Rosemarie (Skroch) Snyder and $20 from Karen (Hudson) Peterson. They are included in the numbers below.

$125.00 Bruce Barkley
$100.00 Vic and Dorothy Garvis, Bob and Maritta (Sovinski) Bush, Ardith (O'Banion) King
$50.00 Ian and Rosemarie (Skroch) Snyder
$25.00 Francis Rose, Fred and Jeanyne (Facklam) Schuler, Robert Murray, Margaret (Kirby) Romanek
$20.00 Karmen (Hudson) Peterson
$12.50 Fred Coates, Beverly (Johnson) Lindblom, Sally Staley
$10.00 Karen (Petersen) Wiggens
$5.00 Rita (Wright) Shannon

Thanks to your generosity the finances are in good shape again. The total in the Goodman fund is now up to $300. The $100 Ardith (O'Banion) King donation is in the memory of her brother, Richard O'Banion, class of 45. Robert Murray, class of 46, donated $25 in memory of his classmates, Harold and Bernice Christensen. As I mentioned before, the DeLeon family donates time and supplies to setup the banquet each year and Roger Wickstrom donated the web site,

As before I will have a scanner and printer at the reunions and I will try to scan any items you may have to share and print as many items as I can. I am interested in class pictures, work pictures, building pictures, family group pictures, anything that has lists of names (school or work), newspaper clippings about Igloo, basically anything that you think someone else would be interested in seeing. If you cannot make it to the reunion you can scan it or have it scanned or copied and sent to me on a disc or whatever else will work.


The reservations can be sent to Jim Anderson by snail mail at 822 E. Indiana St., Rapid City, SD, 57701-5835. You can also make reservations by Email at Also by phone at (605) 342-2758 and leave a message on the answering machine. If you could make your reservation by the 4th of July it would help us in planning the seating and the meal. We will also be making name tags for you and your guests so we will need their names also. If you prepay, the price is $12.50 per person for the Saturday night meal. If you pay at the door, the price is $15.00 per person. If you prepay, please make the checks out to PHS Alumni Association.

The Igloo Reunion will be held the next day at the same location (July 22, Legion Club) from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Several items will be on display including old newspapers, photos of workers, blueprints of the depot and housing area, telephone books, etc.

WANTED: We are looking for some more people to help with the reunion; newsletter, setup, registration, program, etc. My contact information is above if you would be interested in helping.

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