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The Igloo Magazine

The Igloo Magazine

Vol. II No. 12 page 6 March 26, 1943


Our personnel has changed so rapidly this past week that it looks as if the only way to get all the "Official welcomes" and "Sad farewells" written will be to resort to tabulation. Result - - the following in and out record:


Mr. L. R. Barrow             Custer, S. Dak.

Mr. Wesley Enderly             Hot Springs, S. Dak

Mrs. Hazel Hart             Sundance, Wyo.

Mrs. Marie Hewitt             Sheridan, Wyo.

Miss Eunice Thacker             Edgemont, S. Dak.


Patricia Ruckler             "Junior" Krause

Darline Rutan             Ralph Jensen

Dorothy Rutan             Charles Soukup

Josephine Archuletta             James Frank Sims

Ann Reiland             Cliff and Laura Jackson

Oh, yes, also one transfer, Myrtle Ness is now out on the magazine area. Good-luck in your new job, Myrtle!

Have you noticed how happy Larry Krause is these days? Yes, he finally got his wife and daughter settled here. Who wouldn't be proud of a child as adorable as Sharon Mae!

That breath of spring last week-end found Mr. Harper, Ann Woodcock and Pearl Jolle headed toward Hot Springs and Mrs. Thompson on her way to Hill City.

Mrs. Sparks has returned to Watertown to look after the "little Sparkies" now. Hope she will visit us again soon.

Mr. Hood must be muttering something about "everything happens to me" lately. He wrenched his back and was just about laid up. Thank goodness there was a chiropractor on the Area who is putting him on the mend again.

Mrs. Marie Brown and daughter, Darlene, have moved into one of the new houses.

The Igloo Magazine

Vol. II No. 21 page 19 May 28, 1943


Please accept apologies for the fact that there were no notes last week. Your reporter "slipped up" and surely heard about it too - - - from several sources. Well, at least that proves someone reads these notes, and that's enough to spur on to better efforts in the future.

There are three newcomers in our group: Two waitresses, namely Mrs. Esther Thompson and Mrs. J. Marie Heim, both of whom have come to us from Hot Springs. Marie's husband, Marvin, is with the Fire Department here at BHOD. And Douglas McCroskey is our very heckled bus boy. We thought sister Carol Jean was quick on the comeback, but you surely have to go some to keep up with Douglas!!

In addition to our very faithful weekly Hot Springs visitors (Pearl, Ann, and Charley, Marie Brown has been frequenting that city lately. What is the special attraction there?

Bob McBratney visited his wife at Piedmont week before last. What took you so long coming back, Bob?

Mr. and Mrs. L.C. Hewitt drove to Sheridan, Wyoming, last week to bring their children out to BHOD. They plan to return this week.

We discovered there is a fisherman (woman) in our crowd. Margaret insists they caught some fish then gave them to a little boy. Well, it could be true????

Puzzle for the week: Which waitress has been very blue lately because a "certain someone" has gone away and left us???

The Walrus

The Walrus

Vol. 2 No. 28 page 9 July 3, 1953

Post Restaurant To Be Managed By Mrs. Olaf Olson

Mrs. Olaf Olson assumed management of the Post Cafe Wednesday.

Prior to taking over operation of the local extablishment, she managed a cafe in Provo for the past two months where her cooking abilities were attested to by the large volume of trade which she developed. Mrs. Olson has worked in the local cafe previously and comes back to the depot well qualified to serve excellent meals to Igloo workers.

The Walrus

Vol. 5 No. 42 page 1 Oct. 24, 1957

Proposals Being Accepted For Cafe Operation

Proposals for operation of the restaurant will be accepted until 5 November 1957. This is not a sealed bid proposal but will be conducted in a negotiation basis.

For the information of interested parties the Restaurant will be moved from its present location to the site of the present furniture store. Remodeling activities on this building will commence immediately and the building will be ready for occupancy on 17 November when the contract with the present restaurant operator expires.

Interested parties are urged to contact Mr. Russell J. Bohart, Post Restaurant Officer, at Building 2004, telephone 42 or 43.


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