image of main gate



(under construction)

The Edgemont Herald-Tribune

Edgemont Herald-Tribune page 4 Jan. 12, 1961

Igloo Coquettes Meet at the Home of Mrs. Farrell

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Edgemont Herald-Tribune page 8 March 16, 1961

Igloo Coquettes 4-H Meeting

The meeting was called to order by 4-H Pledge given by Rita Skroch.

The minutes of the last meeting were read.

Under old business the talent show, carnival, and cake raffle were discussed. No new business was talked about.

Two demonstrations were given by Wanda Moldenhauer and Marita Sovinsky.

The meeting was adjourned by the motion of Aloma Farrell and Sharon Boltz seconded it.

Marita Sovinsky, reporter.


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