The Rattlerette; May 24, 1965
Seven PHS Students inducted in National Honor Society . . . .
. . . . The Provo HIgh School chapter of the National Honor Society of secondary Schools inducted seven new members into the Provo High Chapter in an impressive ceremony in the School auditorium on Mary 6. The ceremony which was based on the theme of "Pathways to Peace," was conducted by the present members of the Honor Society. Short speeches were given by Wayne Hoffer, Noel Rickard, Larry Schiffner, and Charles Yunko on Scholarship, Leadership, service, and character. These four qualities are the main criteria upon which entrance to the Society is based. Woody Hipsher served as master of ceremonies and Tom Shortbull gave the invocation and led the pledge to the flag. Superintendent Leo Gannon gave the main address for the occasion. The new members inducted were: Ron Arthur and Rita Henderson, seniors; Michael Gannon, James Gray, Patty Hoar, Maritta Sovinski and Kenneth stuckey, all juniors.
The Provo High Student Council served refreshments for all members and parents following the program. High School Principal Archie Ireland and Mrs. Karen Miller serve as Faculty advisers for the group.
Left to right: Mrs. Karen Miller, sponsor, Kenneth Stuckey, Charles Yunko, Maritta Sovinski, Larry Schiffner, Patty Hoar, Noel Rickard, James Gray, Rodney Kirby, Michael Gannon, Wayne Hoffer, Ronald arthur, Tom Shorbull, Rita Henderson, Woody Hipsher and Mr. Archie Ireland, High School Principal.