The Igloo Reunion, formerly called the Igloo Picnic, is held the next day after the Provo High School All-Class Reunion. It was originally a potluck picnic held in one of the Rapid City parks. In recent years we have held it inside at the Legion Club and the food part has been dropped. It starts at 10:00 a.m. to allow those that have to start back home an opportunity to come. It generally runs until 4:00 p.m. so everybody has a chance to fit it into their day. (I am thinking of only running it until 2;00 this year, more later.) There are many Igloo items on display and it allows former residents of Igloo and employees of BHOD a chance to visit with old friends. It is also an opportunity to share their Igloo items with others.
The 51st Igloo reunion will be July 16, 2017.
The 52nd Igloo reunion will be July 22, 2018.
The 53rd Igloo reunion will be July 21, 2019.
The 54th Igloo reunion will be July 19, 2020.
The 55th Igloo reunion will be July 18, 2021.
(under construction)