page 2 | Oct. 24, 1959 |
IGLOO - Thirty-nine Provo High School students are charter members of South Dakota's second Safe-Teen club. Alcester organized the state's first unit.
Safe-Teens are young drivers, primarily high school groups, who demonstrate by their own actions that most teen-agers are not only good drivers but careful and safe drivers as well.
Since the initial Safe-Teen organization was founded by Judge Frances Cook of the justice court, Beaverton, Oregon, in December 1954, the movement has spread to 42 states, Canada and several foreign countries.
Representatives of the American Federation of Government Employees and the Black Hills Ordnance Depot Safety Office were instrumental in organizing the BHOD Safe-Teen club and Hobart Larvie was named administrator for the program.
Charter members are Walter Bergquist, Deanna Bettcher, Russell Bohart, George Boltz, Karen Catlett, Paul Dappen, Danny Davis, Frank Denton, Neil Dietrick, Ray Eck, Etta Farrell, Roberta Fields, Mike Hicks, Donald Hoar, Carol Houska, Rodney Hudson, Joe Jacobs, Judy Kennedy, Jerry Lanphear, Verna La Plante, Herbert J. Larvie, Tony Larvie, Nina Lathrop, Patsy Ludington, Rodger Marty, Emily Meech, Ed Olmstead, Gary Olson, Patty Jo Plumb, Clarence Richardson, Kirk Rose, Jean Ruby, David Sebring, Richard Sebring, Norman Dean Smith and Roger Wickstrom.
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