The Walrus; March 7, 1957
Stan's Sports Slants
by Stan Lindstrom (The following item was taken from the Deadwood Pioneer-Times Saturday March 2, 1957)
Region 8 will be well represented at the state tournament in Huron on March 7, 8, and 9. Those Provo Rattlers are terrific! If they don't win the state tournament I'll miss my guess and if they do lose those other teams at the meet will have to be next to sensational.
Provo has one of the finest high school basketball teams it has ever been my good fortune to see. They are fast, deceptive and exceedingly clever. Local fans who stayed away from the final game because the local interest was gone, missed one of the finest exhibitions of fast break and full-court-press action seen around the Northern Hills in many a moon, if ever.
The secret of Provo's success is that every man is a potential scorer. On the first five usually every man ends up with double figures. Another success factor is depth. Coach Jack Ecklund can send in any one of the seven remaining subs and the caliber of ball alters very little. Leave the subs in long enough and they to break into double column scoring.
Every player is well informed on the game's fundamentals. They make every action count. Very seldom a coach has a team with such speed and agility to play the full court press so effectively as the Rattlers do. The players never quit driving and on defense they are darting around like a swarm of hornets, never letting the opposition have a chance to get set.
In 27 games the Rattlers have averaged 69 points per game and have allowed the opposition an average of 49. They play a clean game but naturally foul a lot with their fast brand of ball.
When they foul they take their medicine good naturedly. I like the way they are always giving each other a pat of encouragement when they need it or a slap on the seat of the pants signifying a job well done. I also like the way they help a fallen foe back on his feet after a torrid session fighting for the ball.
The Provo Rattlers are truly a great team and we should be proud that they represent our region. Here's good luck to Jack Ecklund and his boys in the state meet. They probably won't need any luck. The way they play the game they create their own breaks.
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