June 18, 1954 CWC candidate; Bernard "Dutch" Boltz; "Dutch" Boltz, Property and Supply Supervisor at Depot Property has been employed here since 1946, after his Army discharge. He had previously seen federal service in carpenter and warehouseman positions at other agencies after graduation from high school.
He was elected by depot employees as a committee member of the 1954 United Charities Drive and has given yeoman service to the Veterans Club for an number of years. At the present time he is serving as secretary-bookkeeper of the organization and in the past has served on the Board of Governors for the Club and also Business Manager of the basketball team. He is currently adjutant of the local VFW Post.
He was commended last fall by the Commanding Officer for his quick and remedial action thereby preventing a possible fire when machinery malfunctioned in the gasoline pump house.