The Edgemont Tribune; Feb. 7, 1944; BHOD Business and Professional Women's Club organized. Mrs. Martha Hayes elected president.
The Edgemont Tribune; Dec. 24, 1947; B&PW; Twenty members attended the Igloo B&PW's Christmas party held at the Community Building Monday evening, Dec. 15th. The program, arranged by Dora Steinlicht, Chairman, Josephine Hutchison and Verna Batchelder, consisted of - - -
The Edgemont Tribune; Jan. 21, 1948; B&PW; Six new members were voted in at the meeting, bringing the total enrollment to 31. Approved as new members were Dorothy Thompson, Hannah Johnson, Jane Schuster, Grace Boland, Katherine Wall and Margarit Collins. Colleen Ewen is leaving Igloo soon, to be married. President, Elma Barrett. (Colleen Ewen of Stock Control Division is being replaced by Mrs. Marjorie Whaley.)
The Edgemont Tribune; Feb. 4, 1948; Monday evening, January 26th, the Igloo Business and Professional Women's Club held their regular social meeting at the Community Building. Court whist was played during the evening, with high prize going to Virginia Parks, low to Nadine Veren. Mrs. Marjorie Jennewein and Nadine Veren served on the refreshment committee. Miss Christina Hajek presented the suggestion that the B&PW sponsor the sending of a high school girl to Girl's State at Mitchell next June. The members voted their support unanimously. The next regular business meeting will be February 9th.
The Edgemont Tribune; Feb. 18, 1948; The Igloo Business & Professional Women's Club met at the Community Building Monday evening, February 9th, for their regular business meeting. Marjorie Jennewein resigned from her office as recording secretary, and Nadine Veren was elected to that office. Two new members, Sylvia Hoppes, and Verna Deane Swick were voted in, bringing the total membership to 32. Program Chairman, Dora Steinlicht, suggested to the club that they contact the Yankton College A Capella choir as to the possibility of their including Igloo in their current itinerary. The Club agreed to sponsor such a program if arrangements could be made.