Most of my time at Igloo was as a child so my most vivid memories are of the presents,
the school programs, the goodie bag at the Vets Club and of the Christmas tree at the intersection.
Christmas parties were not something that I remember. Our relatives were all in Minnesota so going to
Grandma's for the holidays or having them visit us was not common.
Taking these items in reverse, the January newspapers were full of blurbs about the Christmas travels,
Christmas visitors and Christmas dinner guests.
Christmas parties were very common. The various work groups had either individual parties or combined parties.
Most of the social groups had parties, many with the children involved. Even the Boy Scouts had a party where
they invited the Girl Scouts.
The Boy Scouts of Igloo held a Christmas Party and entertained
the Girl Scouts as guests. Shown are l to r - Joe Theisen, Paul Lienau, Mark Breen, Rodney Torkelson, Harlan Hultgren,
Eugene Perry, Jerry Ann Thompson, Marilyn McKinney, Dicky Dill, Dick Coen, Karen Torkelson, Donna Imme, Stanley Jones,
Brave, Joyce Ann Ritchey, Donald Johnle, Howard Catlett, Sandra McCleary, Joan Schultz, Bill Krantz, Jr., Jimmy Wieman
(hiding), Stanford Joslyn, Evelyn Hipsher, Yvonne Grubbs, Sheila Batchelder, Joe Smaltz, Mike Martinez, Jeanyne Facklam,
Donna Ferdig, David Kilgore, Karen Petersen and Jerry Olson.
In the back row are - l to r: Billy Bishop, Ted Birdsall, Hilbert Brave, Richard Gillies, Charles Catlett and Leslie Dyer.
Christmas 1951
This is my favorite Christmas party story.
The Depot's janitors made a gesture
this week that truly reflects the Christmas Spirit. Like other groups of BHOD employees, the members of the
Custodial Section started plans for a Christmas party when Enoch E. Carlson hit upon an idea that will undoubtedly
bring much more happiness to the group than a party. Enoch suggested that each member of the unit give $2.00 and
present the total of $24 to the West River Crippled Children's Hospital in Hot Springs toward a Christmas party for
the Polio Center's striken kids. Shown to the left is Carlson handing the donations to John B. Sweeney, Civilian Executive Assistant,
for transmittal to the hospital. Looking on are, left to right, Judd C. Robinson, supervisor; Robert A. Wilson and
Harrison M. Reeves, custodians at the Headquarters Building. Others who gave up their party are Robert A. Zimiga,
Richard Abrams, Lyda A. Axemaker, Esther L. Dye, Frank J. Bollwerk, Chester N. Kidder, Hermit E. Stokes and Arthur L. Sylvester.
Dec. 1953
The Walrus; Dec. 25, 1953; The Gals In 105 Toss Party In Dorm Lounge;
The girls in Barracks 105 enjoyed a Christmas party on Wednesday evening in the lounge of the Dormitory.
Christmas decorations added to the festivities of the occasion and after an exchange of gifts colorful refreshments were served.
This was followed by singing of Christmas carols by the group.
As I remember it the Christmas tree at the intersection was suspended above the intersection by diaginal wires.
The school had a home room decoration contest with the winning classes name going on a Christmas tree shaped plaque.
Although there was nothing as elaborate as today, individuals had Christmas trees and lights in their window.
One display does stick out. Henry Hagen would do elaborate ice sculptures with lights.
The goodie bags full of candy and nuts that were handed out at the Vets Club are probably the most memorable but
the Kiwanis Club also handed out goodie bags at their annual theater party.

In the large picture, Santa is having some difficulty in getting David Boltz,
age one year, interested in his treat which Santa brought to the Vets Club. Saint Nick's helper at the Vets Club visit was
Bill Hotchkiss who aided in passing out 800 sacks. Prior to his Vets Club visit, Saint Nick had his picture snapped at the
Officers' Club with some other Depot cuties. In the insert, left to right, are Mary Hipsher, an unidentified child,
Mickey Lorenz and Kathy Sweeney. Stub Bohart looks on at the left.
Many of the group parties that involved children
had goodie bags also. Even the teachers handed out goodie bags that they filled at their Christmas Party.

These cute little guys and gals made their concert debut at the kindergarten Christmas program last week. Under the capable direction of the
kindergarten teachers, Mrs. Victor Garvis, the future Philharmonic stars, equipped with drum sticks, bells and tamborines,
presented their cacophonous, but rhythmic, version of "Jingle Bells" and other festive yuletide tunes. Lacking a brass section,
the melody was supplied by kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Edgar Heer. The program which also featured dances and tableaux,
was thoroughly enjoyed by the tots' proud mamas.
The Walrus reported one year that the morning Kindergarten class would have a Christmas program, the afternoon Kindergarten class would have a Christmas program,
the Grade School would have a program and the High School students would also have a program. The grade school program was usually an operetta. The 1952 operetta was "The Shepherd's Christmas".
Approximately 225 pupils took part in the pageant, the above group consisting of second, third and fourth graders.
Directing the play was Miss Bowker, assisted by Mrs. Aderholt, Mrs. Little and Mrs. Gayhart. Fourth Grader Amy Johnson was the student director. The play was presented for the public in
the Provo High School Auditorium.
Finally we have the Christmas presents.

As with today the religious significance of Christmas was overshadowed by the commerical side of Christmas. The religious groups
all had their services and programs that stressed the true meaning of Christmas but for us kids it was the presents.
Fortunately Santa had some helpers and probably foremost among them was the Depot firemen.
Versatile Firemen Help Santa Make Needy Kids Happy.
Members of the local Fire Department became Santa's helpers this week as they repaired toys for Igloo children.
Don DuBois, "chief helper", said then firefighters were spending their off duty time on the project which would
net over fifty-five toys for Christmas baskets being distributed by the Community Chest. Baskets have been
distributed to 23 needy families of depot workers.
Toys were donated by Igloo residents to the Fire Department employees who volunteered to undertake the project.
In 1952 the VFW Auxiliary distributed generously prepared grocery baskets to 23 needy families. They were assisted by the Boy Scouts, the Vets Club, the Kiwanis Club, the Provo Store,
the Post Grocery Store, the Alter Society, Mary Martha Circle and the Community Chest.
1953 Santa's Letter Box;
(Editors note: Having been a personal friend of dear old Santa for many years, the perennial purveyor of presents drops
me a line occasionally. In a recent letter to your editor, he enclosed several missives, sent hopefully by the
small fry of Igloo and suggested that the WALRUS might publish them.)
Dear Santa Claus,
I wish you would bring me a little table and chairs, and a dolly with hair I can wash and comb and a high chair for the dolly.
I have been a good girl most of the time.
My sister Margaret wants a bicycle and Marsha wants a record player. We live at 210-A.
Joan Ann Richardson
Dear Santa,
I want a doll and a train and a green and yellow dump truck and a farm for Calvin. And a roadgrader and a steam shovel and
a farm for Tommie. I was good sometimes and my brother was good too. Thanks for the record player last year and for the
records too. I like school. I made a picture of you and three dwarfs and we made Rudolph. I live at house 204-A Igloo.
I hope you like my letter Santa.
Merry Xmas. Calvin and Tom Gaebler
Dear Santa Claus,
How are you and Mrs. Santa Claus. I am fine? I am going outside as soon as I finish writing to you and play in the snow.
I want a sled, a farm set, a truck, a set of building blocks, a blackboard, a gun and a few records and books.
Santa if you don't have enough for all the little boys and girls who want the same as I do please give to the children who
don't have as much as I do as I can wait until next Christmas or some other time for them.
Love, Lee Jones
P. S. Santa Claus I will have a lunch set on the radio for you when you come to my house.
Dear Santa Claus,
I am four years old, I go to school next year to Kindergarten. I will be a nice little girl, my name is Patty Lou Gabriel.
So will you please bring me a sled and dolly with hair. Bobby wants toys too, please don't forget him, he's my brother.
Don't forget to stop at my house and bring toys. Goodby we hope to see you at Xmas.
Love, Patty Gabriel
Dear Santa,
I have been a good girl so I want a big dolly with a pink taffeta dress and golden curls, a set of
dishes and a musical rocking chair.
My brother Jerry wants a bicycle and army training center.
Good bye Santa. Jody Lanphear
Dear Santa Claus,
I like you. My old wagon is broken. I want a new wagon. Will you have me a new wagon and Merry
Christmas to you.
Your friend, Paul Meier
Dear Santa Claus,
I have been a good boy. Please come and see me. I live in Igloo too.
I want a orange steam roller for Christmas. I also want a garage for my cars. Do you have one with a door on it.
I want to park my cars in the garage.
My little brother Bobby has been a good boy too but he cries too much. He wants some blocks for Christmas.
Thank you very much.
Love, Billy Begert