The Edgemont Tribune; April 10, 1946
The Community Gardens have been cultivated for three years and the reservoir is about full.
The Edgemont Tribune; April 24, 1946
The Igloo Garden Club was reorganized last Thursday. A goodly number turned out for the meeting. "Shorty" Addington was elected president and S. A. Skaar, secretary-treasurer. The size of the lots were doubled to 40' by 40', each one to take as many lots as he desires. The lots were assigned to each gardner as applied for, all to be in one block. Last year's hit and miss method left many lots here and there to grow up to weeds and serve as grasshopper incubating grounds. Irrigation will be furnished as needed by block divisions. The soil has been well prepared for the gardeners and more interest is being shown than in former seasons. Secretary Skaar states that they have already had to plot more ground to accommodate the applicants, 80 lots having been sold to date. Each applicant pays one dollar a lot and this money is used to pay an irrigator to take care of the water needs. This year they are still "Victory Gardens" - victory over a world food shortage that is steadily becoming more acute.
(The Garden Club was busy registering people who wanted garden plots below the school house.) From the Walrus; April 4, 1952; page 2; Memories; 5 Years Ago.
Vol. 2 No. 13 | page 8 | Mar. 27, 1953 |
The Igloo Garden Club met Monday, March 23, to get our gardening plans made for the current year. Election of officers was held with Oscar Johnson being re-elected president, and Mrs. Jay Firnekas as secretary-treasurer.
It was decided that the lots would be given out in the following order: March 23 to March 30, 6:00 p.m., old members; March 30 to April 6, 6:00 p.m., new members; April 6 to April 13, 6:00 p.m. to any non-member, proided there are any lots left. This schedule must be followed, so contacet the secretary - treasurer during the time that effects each prospective gardner. Mrs. Firnekas may be contacted at 412-E.
(under construction)