The Walrus

Walrus page 1 March 21, 1957

Nineteen Present At Organization Of Grey Ladies

Members of the newly formed Grey Lady organization held an orientation meeting in U. S. Army Hospital on Saturday, March 16 at 10:00 a.m., with Captain Homer L. Fleisher, advisor of the organization, present to meet each member.

Mrs. Cecil Hoffman, chairman, introduced Mrs. Harold Norman, Red Cross Field Consultant and Mrs. Waggoner, Grey Lady Representative, both of Rapid City. During the orientation course, Mrs. Norman said the Grey Ladies is one of the various Red Cross organizations.

The Grey Ladies of this community will help serve the hospital in various ways. It is an organization through which the Igloo residents may help serve their fellowmen, especially during times of need.

At noon a lovely luncheon, sponsored by the Kiwanis Club, was enjoyed by all at the Officers' Club. The meeting was again resumed at one and adjourned at three.

Members present at this meeting who are anticipating the next session were: Mrs. Cecile Hoffman, Melrose Blette, Noreen Spencer, Bernadine Fleisher, Helen Campbell, Janet Hair, Joyce Shostrom, Elsie Lund, Grace Hiscock, Doris Cetto, Vera Gibson, Mary Kautz, Pauline Straight, and Zabie Larvie all of Igloo and Eleanor Salmon and Dorothy Seeley of Edgemont.

Walrus page 1 May 23, 1957

Gray Ladies

IGLOO GRAY LADIES receive their caps, signifying completion of their training, at a ceremony here last Friday.
Pictured above are, front, left to right: Frank Kinyon, Capt. Nolen, Col. Hoffman and Capt. Fleisher.
Second row left to right: Mrs. Kautz, Doris Cetto, Janet Hair, Melrose Blette, Frances Norman,
Cecile Hoffman, Harriet Waggoner, Bernadine Fleisher, Rae Jensen, Helen Campbell.
Third row, left to right: Elsie Lund, Pauline Straight, Noreen Spencer, Vera Gibson, and Zabie Larvie.
(Photo by Schuler)

Capping Ceremonies Held Here Friday For Igloo Gray Ladies

Gray Ladies of the Black Hills Ordnance Depot were capped Friday afternoon May 17, by Colonel Don M. Hoffman, Commanding Officer of BHOD. Mrs. Frances Norman, Volunteer Field Consultant for the American Red Cross from Rapid City, administered the pledge to this new group of volunteers. It was emphasized that "service as a volunteer in order to make our community a better place in which to live" is one of the primary goals of the Gray Ladies; and this necessitates "a loyal and conscientious service to the hospital in which I serve".

Certficaes were then presented to each Gray Lady by Captain William A. Nolen, Post Surgeon. He acknowledged the recent accomplishments of the Gray Ladies at the hospital with a speech of thanks for their "fine spirit of service and cooperation".

Other guests of honor from Rapid City included Frank Kinyon, Red Cross Field Representative of Western South Dakota; Mrs. Harriet Waggoner, Gray Lady; and Mrs. Rae Jensen, Hospital Representative of the American Red Cross to Fort Meade. Mr. Kinyon outlined a few of the basic purposes of the American Red Cross: (1) home service; (2) disaster service; (3) first aid; (4) water safety program; (5) nursing service; (6) Junior Red cross; and (7) community service (including Gray Ladies).

The entire program was under the direction of a committee of Gray Ladies appointed by their chairman, Mrs. Don Hoffman, and consisted of Mrs. Noreen Spencer, Mrs. Cecil Lund, Mrs. Homer Fleisher and Mrs. Helen Campbell. The program was concluded with a lovely tea at which Mrs. Spencer and Mrs. Fleisher served.

Walrus page 5 Sept. 12, 1957

Gray Ladies Have Important Role In Igloo Community

One of the more worthwhile organizations on the Depot is that of the Gray Ladies. It is strictly a volunteer group. Here we have women from every walk of life, gathering together to serve the community, not for pay, but service. The Gray Ladies are a coterie of willing hands. Laymen hands that serve in every phase of hospital work. All that is required is willingness. Would you like to help? The Gray Ladies are calling for volunteers who are willing and able to devote one afternoon a month which would meet the qualification standard of the American National Red Cross.

Mrs. Homer Fleisher, chairman and Mrs. Cecil Lund who is Vice Chairman may be contacted. Our Gray Ladies have participated in polo clinics, blood donor programs, ward work at the hospital, sewing and they will also be at the forthcoming flu vaccine clinic, and in addition they have done an immeasurable amount of miscellaneous volunteer service at the hospital. These are the willing hands and loving hearts that ease that stay in the hospital, that preventive vaccine shot, the bewildered child that is hospitalized.

Come join the ranks, be one of the legion of willing helpers. Help yourself by helping others.


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