vol. 1, no. 1 | page 2 | Dec. 7, 1951 |
Justa Club members elected officers at their regular monthly meeting held at the Community Building Tuesday, Nov. 20, 1951.
Miss Agnes Johnson was elected President of the Club, Mrs. Verna Stuen, Vice-president; Mrs. Cordelia Torkleson, Secretary-Treasurer; and Mrs. Julia Brigham, Publicity Chairman.
Mesdames Elsie Nafziger, Julia Harbaugh and Carol Wilhelm were the entertainment committee for the evening. They presented colored slides of Alaska, Mexico and Montana from Craig Silvernalt's collection and scenes from Igloo and eastern South Dakota from Jim Nagziger's collection.
Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. Elsie Nafziger, Mrs. Jo Hutchinson and Mrs. Celia DuBois.
Vol. 1 No. 18 | page 2 | May 9, 1952 |
The Justa Club is a successor to the former Fireside Extension Club which was orgainized in the fall of 1944, and is one of the older organizations on the depot. As an extension club, the members participated in the various projects and activities sponsored by the Extension Service.
Among the community-wide activities in which the club was engaged were the yearly assistance given the March of Dimes campaign, either by cash donation or the sale of hand-made articles; contributions to the American Red Cross; assistance to individuals in need; Christmas baskets for needy families; and contributions and assistance to other worthwhile projects. An arts and crafts exhibit at the Community Building embracing many kinds of handiwork, both old and new, and including many items of Indian bead and quill work, proved one of the most interesting of the many fine programs of the club.
At the time of the organization of the Fireside Extension Club, many of the members were not employed outside their homes and had time and opportunity to attend the afternoon demonstrations of the Extension Service. However as time went on, more members became employed at BHOD and it was increasingly difficult to find the time necessary to give to extension activities. Accordingly, the club was reorganized in November of 1947. The name was changed to "Justa Club" and the purposes of the new organization were set forth as being educational and recreational.
Many fine programs have been presented in both the educational and entertainment fields. Outstanding among the social events of the year are the summer picnic and the annual Christmas party to which members of the family are invited. The club has continued the policy of contributing to worthwhile community activities and of being a vital force in the social life of the depot.
Vol. 2 No. 5 | page 5 | Jan. 30, 1953 |
Justa Club members present at the regular meeting Tuesday evening were entertained by the newly elected officers of the year, Sylvia Hoppes, Norma Hall and Elsie Nafziger. The thirteen members present voted to accept a new member, Ila Evans. Lillian Lambert and Agnes Bailey were appointed on the Sunshine Committee. After routine business of the club was completed Edgar Hall ran a film on "Miracle of Paradise Valley".
A most delicious lunch was served by the hostesses of the evening.
1957; Julia Brigham, Daphne Gayhart, Lillian Lambert, Agnes Bailey, Elma Barrett and Clara Kennaley.
Hilda Heppner, Jean Heer, Mary Alspach and Irene Rickard
Vol. 5 No. 32 | page 2 | Aug. 8, 1957 |
The Justa Club will resume its schedule with the fall meeting on September 17. Hilda Heppner, vice chairman, will assume leadership of the club. The fall meeting is an enjoyable one, after the summer vacation, for members to renew friendship and tell for roll call about the summer vacations.
It is not possible at this time to report what the program committee has in store for the September meeting, but according to tradition it will be one which will be worthwhile for all members.
At the November meeting we hold our yearly election of officers. The officers-elect take office in the month of January. November is also the time when we as a club participate in the yearly community United Charities Drive by having a booth at the Jamboree.
With December comes our annual Christmas dinner, which is a highlight for all members and invited guests. A delicious pot luck dinner is enjoyed then the exchange of gifts and the identification of Mystery Pals. Drawing for the next club year's mystery pals also takes place at the December meeting.
Vol. 2 No. 51 | page 9 | Dec. 18, 1953 |
Justa Club members held their annual Christmas party, Tuesday evening with husbands as invited guests.
Forty people enjoyed a potluck supper at tables decorated in a Christmas theme. Table decorations and other dinner arangements were made by the outgoing club officers, Mrs. Chester Nafziger, Mrs. Ed Hall and Mrs. Sylvia Hoppes.
Mystery pal gifts were exchanged and the names of mystery pals held throughout the year were revealed. Husbands present got in the act by swapping silly gifts provided by the wives for that purpose.
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