image of main gate

Black Hills Ordnance Depot

Key Club

Key Club

The 1960 Rattler Yearbook; pg. 38

One of many activities of the Key Club is brings Louis Anderson to and from school. They also collect old eyeglass frames for the needy.

The Rattlerette; May 24, 1965

PHS Key Club elect new officers

At their regular meeting last week the members of the Key Club elected their new officers for the coming school year.

Elected were Mike Gannon, president; Bruce Barkley, vice president; Craig Schmitz, secretary and Rodney Ellingson, treasurer.

Also at this meeting final plans were made for the trip to Denver for the club. The Club had planned to attend the District convention at Denver but since this date conflicted with the Junior-Senior Prom the trip was rescheduled to be a sight-seeing trip instead. The group will leave May 20 after school and return to Igloo the 22nd.


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