image of main gate

Black Hills Ordnance Depot

Ki-Wa Park

Rapid City Journal page 7 Oct. 9, 1945

Igloo Kiwanis Builds Public Picnic Grounds

Ki-Wa Park

Members of the Black Hills Ordnance depot Kiwanis club, and Boy Scouts sponsored by the club, are shown by the bridge leading to the Ki-Wa Park public picnic grounds, at the dedication of the park.

Igloo, Oct. 9 - The Kiwanis club of the Black Hills Ordnance depot at Igloo, newest club in the Rocky Mountain district, has completed building and dedication of a public picnic grounds. Most of the materials and equipment were donated by club members, who also furnished the labor evening and Sundays.

A 42-foot steel bridge was constructed from scrap across a creek leading to the grounds, and brush and grass was cleared. Twelve picnic tables were built and placed and three stone outdoor fireplaces were built.

Arthur S. Keene, vice president, an architectural engineer formerly of Deadwood, is serving as head of the club in the absence of the President Dr. Frank W. Bilger. Capt. S. B. Farringer, dental surgeon, is the club secretary. The club has 44 active members from Igloo, Provo and Edgemont.


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