Vol. 5, No. 37 | page 1 | Sept. 12, 1957 |
After losing the first game of the Midget double elimination tourney to Lathrop's Yankees, the pre-tourney favorite, the Cardinals bounced back to win three straight, including a win over the Yankees and to win the championship over Olders Braves 15-9 on Thursday evening, September 5.
Members of the winning team are Harry Mickelson, Bob Jacobs, Larry Schiffner, Dennis Turnquist, Gary Schiffner, Teddy Facklam, John Pourier, Jim Anderson, Leonard Johnson and Lyle Osterholt. The winning teams battery was Turnquist and Mickelson, with Mickelson getting a triple and a single to lead the hitters.
Members of the losing team are Woody Hipsher, Rodney Kirby, Jesse Sears, Roger Bohart, Rick Rogers, Bobby Bush, Bill Ottman, Gary Schuler, Danny Garvis, Lonnie Odell, Pat Hicks and Tommy Facklam. Batteries were Hipsher, Older and Older, Bush with Older the losing pitcher. Rogers led the hitting department with a triple with the bases loaded.
Some of the tourney highlights were three extra inning games, Turnquists pitching, Mickelson and Rogers long ball hitting, Bobby Bush's hustle and Olders Braves surprising entry to the finals.
Vol. xx No. xx | page x | xxxx xx, 1959 |
In the Midget double elimination baseball tournament held August 24 to 27 Leonard Johnson's team went undefeated through the tourney and in final play defeated Larry Lathrop's team for the championship. Larry Lathrop's team pounded Ted Facklam's team 18 to 1 to get into the championship play. The games were 5 inning each and every team had to lose two games before they were out of the tournament. Leonard John's team had defeated Larry Lathrop's team earlier in the tourney to give the their other loss. The final score for the chanpionship game was 6-3.
Teams participating in this play, place won, team number and captain are as follows: Ist place Team 2 Leonard Johnson, Captain; 2nd place Team 1 Larry Lathrop, Captain; 3rd place Team 5 Ted Facklam, Captain; 4th place Team 4 John Haas, Captain; and 5th place Team 3 Bobby Bush, Captain.
Following tournament play an All-Star team was picked with the following results: Larry Schiffner 1st base, Dick Sebring 2nd base, Tom Facklam 3rd base, Rodney Kirby short-stop, Ronald Mayer, Douglas Mayer and R. Arthur outfielders, Leonard Johnson catcher, Wayne Hoffer, Larry Lathrop and Woody Hipsher pitchers. Utility catcher John Haas and utility player Donald Heer.
Wayne Hoffer took best hitting and pitching honors and Rodney Kirby was chosen the best All Around Player.
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