(under construction)
vol. 1, no. 18 | page 5 | May 9, 1952 |
The club was organized November 27, 1947, with five members planning to increase the membership to 25. The membership was limited to mothers of pre-school children.
The purpose and motto of the club is "Better Mothers and Better Children". There was a program committee for each meeting and they were to present an educational program pertaining to pre-school children as interesting articles or talks by child specialists.
The club gave spring picnics for the children and a Christmas party. In 1950, the club had as the yearly project a donation to the orphanage, "Abbot House", at Mitchell, South Dakota. We donate to the Red Cross and other organizations. In January, 1950, a box of toys was prepared and sent to the children of Europe and we have also had booths at the Jamborees and March of Dimes drives. The club also sponsors birthday showers as well as a program of "Get Well" gift presentations.
During the last year or so we have dropped most of the business portion of the meetings and have been devoting the time to a social evening of cards and refreshments.
vol. 2, no. 2 | page 5 | Jan. 16, 1953 |
The Modern Mothers Club met Wednesday evening, January7, at the Community Building. New officers elected for the year were: president, Mrs. Kenneth Hyatt; vice president and secretary, Mrs. Thelma Lenz; treasurer, Mrs. Vivian Hedglin. The evening was spent playing whist, with hig score going to Mrs. Don Lawler; low, Mrs. Ellen Schweitzer. A lovely lunch was served by Mrs. Don Carew and Mrs. Rose McCowan.
1957; Mrs. Bonnie Aadson, Mrs. Myrtle Stuen, Mrs. Alfred Ferdig and Mrs. Arthur Hoffer.
Ellen Schweitzer, Ethel Ferdig, Mavis Hyatt and Hilda Mohr.
Mrs. Hedglin, (new members) Ruth Murphy, Lavonne Gering, Dorothy Thompson, Deloris Cooper and Ruth Lorenz.
Mrs. Dyer, Mrs. Osterholt and Mrs. Haywood
vol. 2, no. 24 | page 6 | June 12, 1953 |
The "Igloo Mothers Club" is the new name for the "Modern Mothers Club". The change was made at the meeting Wednesday evening at the Community Building when the renamed club accepted four new members, Mrs. Gray, Mrs. Dyer, Mrs. Richards, and Mrs. Calvert.
Whist was played during the evening with Wavy Donaldson receiving high prize and Mavis Hyatt receiving low. Lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs. Palmer and Mrs. Shedden.
Vol. 2 No. 28 | page 6 | July 10, 1953 |
At their meeting Wednesday evening at the Community Building the club members decided to again collect clothing to be sent overseas. After the business meeting whist was played with high going to Mrs. Palmer and Mrs. Ladner getting low. Members bid au revoir to two members, Wavy Donaldson and Edith Neiss who are leaving. Lunch was served by Mrs. Richards and Mrs. McElroy.
Vol. 3 No. 3 | page 6 | Jan. 15, 1954 |
At the first meeting of the year on January 6, the club elected the new officers for the coming year and also drew new secret pals. Mrs. Lottie Olsen is the new president, with Mrs. Orla Lawler, secretary and vice-president and Mrs. Jo Sheddon is treasurer. After the business meeting a social evening of whist was enjoyed with Violet Hagel receiving high prize and Mavis Hyatt, low. Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. Laverne Tusow and Mrs. Kay Calvert.