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Vol. 1 No. 16 | page 2 | April 25, 1952 |
Time to go to work! The temperature is way down, the windshield is frosted, the battery is too weak to turn over the motor, the gas suffers from mainutrition and one of the tires has a flat side! Trouble? Not so at Black Hills Ordnance Depot. Employees have merely walk a few yards (while swallowing that last bite of toast) to the nearest bus stop They step into a warm comforable conveyance operated by a careful, courteous driver, which transports them to their particular place of duty. All this on schedule service, plus a cheery greeting from the driver, is provided by the Motor Pool for the meager sum of three and one third cents. The noon hour finds the bus ready to return personnel to their homes.
Bus service has been available to employees since the Depot was a mere infant. However, in August of last year it was determined by higher authority that Class "A" bus service be established. This type of service consists of transporting personnel from the housing area to clock houses, and return, where-as Class "B" service includes the noon runs and those made within the restricted areas. No charge is made for Class "B" service.
For individuals who have official business in other places on the post during their tour of duty, taxi service is provided.
Due to the varied shifts and job locations of Depot workers, nine busses make ninety runs each day. During the month of March, 18,715 Class "A" passengers were transported 2,959 miles.
The Motor Pool is also responsible for transporting children to and from school. This is one more reason for the drivers being a carefully screended, hand picked group of men who are safety conscious and have sound judgement.
Although the bus service of the Motor Pool affects people more personally, it has another function of importance to the successful operation of the Depot - that of dispatching vehicles and truck drivers to their daily assignments. Providing adequate transportation and man power to handle the constantly changing requirements of the various organizations is no small task. Two hundred and sixty-two vehicular units are assigned daily where they are most needed. A total of 192,448 motor pool miles were driven during the month of March.
To serve its public and "keep the wheels rolling", the pool is open twenty-three hours a day.
Vol. 2 No. 17 | page 1 | Apr. 24, 1953 |
Col. H. G. Hamilton, Depot commander, was notified this week by Fifth Army Headquarters that four civilian spaces in the U. S. Army Hospital here will be abolished. It will be necessary to discontinue the positions of X-ray technician, receptionist and two nurse positions as part of the overall economy move by the Defense Department.
The hospital will still maintain the ward for in-patient treatment as well as the out-patient clinic.
The Depot commander said a firm feeling had been received for the balance of the Fifth Army activities at BHOD as Fifth Army spaces and funds are primarily used in Post Engineers and the Motor Pool. Sufficient money and spaces have been secured to permit continued employment of all workers now paid with Fifth Army funds in these two activities.
vol. 5, no. 37 | page 2 | Sept. 12, 1957 |
EVERYBODY SEEMS PLEASED in this picture, and well they might, for this is the Motor Pool Section
of the Transportation Division which has received a 2-year award for no lost time injuries.
Roy Hanson, (Bob Hansen) Section Chief is receiving the award from Col. Hoffman, Depot Commander,
while looking on is Stub Bohart, the little fellow on the extreme right, the Division Chief.
He looks proud as if he had caught a 10-pound pike.
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