One would believe a canvass for funds for our TV sets would be a very simple and boresome routine, you couldn't be further wrong. For instance, out of a seven house canvass, here are a few of the things you are up against. I was bitten by two dogs, scratched by a pet bob cat, nipped on the ear by a parakeet, gave first aid to two small children, repaired two washing machines, one toaster, and two leaking sink drains. I fell over one tricycle, got hung up on one hard to open gate, was attacked by two youngsters with zip guns, rusty bolts, scout hatchets and mud balls of which the center was pure granite, but thanks to my long legs and light feet I made it to the next house and inside. Here my experience changed somewhat, I had three cups of coffee, a double shot of vodka, ate two oranges, one grapefruit and after a pleasant conversation loaned the man $3.60. At the next stop I collected five dollars, changed the baby and reviewed the national and international situation. Oh yes, I made a new friend and had a toasted egg sandwich. My next two stops didn't net anything for the TV fund, but I heard troubles I never knew existed, so I left feeling better than I had in years. My last ten stops I collected $30 in cash, loaned another $5, had four more pledges, seven assorted drinks, a large slice of lemon pie and a ham sandwich. So after five hours of work the score stands at: $69.00 in cash for the fund; three promises to come back late; five new friends (three of them babies, two widows); $8.60 loaned out; eight drinks (free); one toasted egg sandwich; one large slice of lemon pie; two oranges (California type); and one grapefruit (a Sno-Boy product). Oh yes! I witnessed two family arguments and four spankings, of which I took no part whatsoever. Oh well, this is just a day in the "Life of a TV Fund Collector".


Never since the Igloo Magazine start-
ed has there been an issue so full of
interesting articles by people living
here on the depot.   In discussing them,
there is no attempt to rank them in in-
terest or importance.   They were sten-
cilled as they were received.

After reading the story entitled
"Rattlesnake Snores and the Grateful
Turtle," we are inclined to believe
that we must ask Mr. Anderson to re-
turn the dog awarded him in the last
issue for his fish story, so that we
may present the canine to Guard Foss.
This time we believe the dog has found
a permanent home.

In an article entitled "Growing
Pains," Capt. A. F. Rice, Post Engineer,
points out that the occasional unavoid-
able interruptions of the services of
the Depot are merely symptoms of the
Depot's growth and development.   In less
than one year, on the barren prairie
south of the Black Hills, there has
come into being what amounts to a young
city, and a large, city, as South Da-
kota communities go, with all convenien-
ces of modern civilization.   The wonder
is not that there are occasional dif-
ficulties, but rather that so much could
have been done so well in such a very
short space of time.

M. N. Risner has a short and pithy
article on the essence of true American-
ism.   Few will care to quarrel with his

Mr. Freund of Mail and Records has
from the start interested himself in
Boy Scout work and development at the
Depot.   In this issue he describes the
ceremony which rarked the formal es-
tablishment of the Igloo Troop and has
some pertinent remarks on future Scout-
ing possibilities, especially the need
for "Cubbing," or work among those less
that Boy Scout age.   The fact that
there are more boys in this group than
there are of Scout age proves the ne-
cessity for the initiation of this
work and its sponsorship by some res-
ponsible group.   Perhaps the Guard
Force might be interested in a project
like that, since it is very much to
their advantage to see that boys of
that age have legitimate and peaceful

The Rev. Waldemer A. Thiele, who
carries on the work of the Lutheran
Church in Edgemont and the B.H.O.D.,
presents compelling arguments for the
participation of everyone in some form
of church work.   Mr. Thiele has a
flourishing group of adherents here on
the Depot, besides his work in Edge-

In an article entitled "Public Hous-
ing Speaks", Mr. Martin A. Steinlicht
of that department reviews the diffi-
culties encountered in housing several
hundred families and individuals and
makes certain requests of the inhabi-
tants of the houses and duplexes.   The
diplomatic device suffered a distinct
loss when Mr Steinlicht took up public
housing work instead; but it is our
guess that he can find use for all the
diplomacy he possesses right where he is.

Two weeks ago there was a temporary
paper famine on the Depot.   Finally it
was discovered that the U. S Engineers
had some paper of the kind needed and
it was on this that the Igloo was printed.
This is a belated but sincere acknowledge-
ment of kindness of Mr. Fabian of the

The "Human Interest" story to which
we referred in the last issue should ap-
pear next week. VVV