The Edgemont Tribune; Sept. 16, 1942; pg. 1; PROVO
M. M. Inman and son, Calvin, moved a big building for J. O. Varilek from Whiteclay, Nebr. It makes quite an addition for Provo, and he will use the building for bowling and billiards.
Jimmy Archer, of Omaha, Nebr., has opened a barber shop at Provo. Archer also will promote prize fights at Edgemont this fall. Archer was the former manager of the World's middle weight champion, Jimmy Clabby, and has leading fighters in Omaha and Sioux City under his management.
Ray Fales has leased the J. and L. Cafe and started operation Monday evening. Hope he has good luck.
The Edgemont Tribune; Oct. 7, 1942; pg. 1; PROVO
Doris Butts returned home to Newcastle after assisting two weeks at the local post office. Mrs. Selby, of Custer, is working in her place.
Mrs. Joe Trotter entertained the extension club last Wednesday. There were eleven members present and one visitor. Two demonstrations were given after a very nice dinner. All report a good time. The next meeting will be at Mrs. Barkley's place.
A. C. Soske is preparing to again move his buildings. He will move them about two miles north on a place that he has, originally the Baer place. Thought he would get far enough away this time so perhaps he will not have to move again, very soon.
The Edgemont Tribune; Oct. 14, 1942; pg. 1; PROVO
Miss Christina Hajek's parents were here from New York a few days last week to visit her. They all visited friends at Buffalo Gap while they were here.
A number of farmers are hauling wood from the Project. It is very nice that they can get the wood as so many are very short of fuel this fall.
The Peter Kiewit and Sons Company have leased the J and L Cafe and started to operate it Tuesday morning. Ray Fales recently purchased the cafe from Jensen and Leetch.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Jackson have taken over the Star Camp and began to operate it Monday morning. There is room for more to camp on the site.
M. M. Inman moved a house for Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Jackson this week from Ardmore which they recently purchased.
Mr. and Mrs. Robison recently purchased some lots from M. S. Dunbar and had their house moved about one-half mile north of here.
The Edgemont Tribune; Oct. 28, 1942; pg. 4; PROVO
Rev. Kern, of Edgemont, was a caller here Saturday evening. He is the new minister at the Methodist church there. He is planning to have services at the school house in the near future.
Wayne Jackson left Friday evening from Hot Springs for Ft. Crook, Nebr., where he was called to take his physical examination for the Army, but owing to his health he was rejected. His wife and parents accompanied him to the Springs.
Len Tillotson went up in the Hills one day last week and brought home a big buffalo which he butchered and sold.
The Edgemont Tribune; Nov. 4, 1942; pg. 1; FIRE DEPARTMENT CALLED TO PROVO FIRE
Saturday morning at about 10 o'clock the Edgemont Fire Department answered a call from Provo when a building near the post office and back of a cafe caught fire.
The department succeeded in putting out the fire which had gained a good start, before it could spread to other business buildings.
The Hot Springs fire department also answered the call however the fire was out upon their arrival.
Fortunately there was no wind and had the fire occurred the previous day with the high wind, the entire block might have been destroyed.
The Edgemont Tribune; Nov. 4, 1942; pg. 4; PROVO
Mrs. Bud Hey and daughter came out from Edgemont Wednesday to attend the public auction sale held by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robison. Had a pretty good sale if the day was quite blustery.
Quite a number of old friends and neighbors came to attend the sale at the Parkin ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. Orin Shuck and small son and Mr. and Mrs. Dock Foster were down from Clifton, Wyo., to attend the sale at the Parkin ranch Wednesday and to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dunbar.
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Hoar were business callers at Mr. and Mrs. Dunbar's Sunday afternoon. The had been visiting in the home of his parents.
The road gang are very busy working on the main road between here and Edgemont. Looks like we will have a very nice road when completed.
The Edgemont Tribune; Nov. 11, 1942; pg. 5; LOCAL AND PERSONAL NEWS ITEMS
Ray Fales, of Provo, was a business visitor in Edgemont Saturday and stopped at the Tribune office to insert a card of appreciation to the Edgemont Fire Department for their prompt and efficient work at the fire in Provo recently. Altho Mr. Fales sustained a loss of about a hundred dollars, he stated that in a way it was a good thing as it served to bring to the people of Provo the realization of the necessity of fire fighting equipment for the town, when they were brought to realize that the whole town might have went up in flames. Mr. Fales was greatly pleased with the timely response of The Edgemont Fire Department, and the manner in which they handled the fire.
The Edgemont Tribune; Nov. 11, 1942; pg. 8; PROVO
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stanton and family have moved into the section house. He is the new section foreman
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hoar and Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Hoar and son were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dunbar. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Hoar were fixing up their house so they can move here so Aaron can be closer to his work.
The Edgemont Tribune; Dec. 16, 1942; pg. 8; PROVO
The new apartment house of George Bennett at the north end of town was burned to the ground last Sunday night. Seems as though a gasoline stove was turned over and the fire got a good start before any one could get there. Nothing could be done to stop it, but the townspeople kept it from spreading to other buildings.
Harve J. Cole was a caller here Monday on business, looking over the school house and other buildings.
Lawrence Jensen, M. S. Dunbar and Bert Bruce went to Rapid City Wednesday to get some fire fighting equipment for the town. Guess by the way things have been going it will be a very good thing to have.
The Edgemont Tribune; Dec. 30, 1942; pg. 8; PROVO
The recent Blackout was 1000 per cent here a huge success we think.
The Provo Ladies Aid was held at the home of Mrs. Chas. Petro at Edgemont Thursday. Most all of the members attended. After a lovely dinner they exchanged gifts from their girl friends and drew names for the coming year and will be the same old girl friends. All report a good time. Everyone was so pleased that Mrs. Klatt was able to attend the Aid once again. She said her daughter, Mrs. Sullivan, of Pennsylvania, would be with her for Christmas.
A very nice Christmas program was given by the Plain Valley school children and the teacher last Wednesday evening. Everyone present enjoyed it vary much.
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