Tom Winkler, employee at Provo, was admitted Tuesday for treatment for compound fracture of the right leg and burns from hot tar.
Miss Charlotte Post of Provo entered yesterday for medical treatment.
Provo, Sept. 2 - The participants in the patriotic Indian pageant are waiting for the signal tomorrow when the all-day show will begin on the ball field, in front of P. X. hall. The sensational Indian performance is being staged in celebration of the world's record of thirty-two igloos poured in twenty-three hours and fifty-five minutes by the J. A. Terteling Construction company. The feat was accomplished last Tuesday, Aug. 25. The group of Indians came in today and pitched their tepees on one side of the ball field and made preparations to spend the night before the show tomorrow.
The tepees, horses, papooses, buffalo, and all are in readiness to begin the show tomorrow morning at 10:30. The entire program follows:
Rose Ecoffey and her Frontier Days Indians present all-day Indian pageant; Captain Frank B. Fisher, master of ceremonies.
10:30 - Music by twelve piece Indian band with war bonnets.
10:45 - Indian ceremonial prayers and singing of "America" in Dakota language.
11:15 - Games featuring hand game, guessing game and other traditional games.
11:45 - Cooking of buffalo pouch and entrails in true Indian style.
12:45 - Buffalo dinner for Indians, Terteling superintendents and foremen and army officers responsible for setting world record in pouring of thirty-two igloos in one day.
1:30 - Pageant of Indian life before coming of white man:
Twelve piece Indian band.
Courting of princess by Indian brave.
Singing of "Indian Love Call" by Princess Silver Cloud.
Asking rival chief for Indian bride.
Presenting of dowry to bridal couple.
Preparations for war.
War song in Dakota language by all tribes
War dance and pow-wow.
Indian brave, with bonnet, loin cloth, bow and arrow, and war paint departs for battle on horseback.
Indians keep vigil until return of Indian brave.
Victorious return of Indian braves.
Victory dance by all tribes in full war paint and regalia.
Music by Indian band.
4:00 - Demonstration of the drying of meat and the handling of food and utensils used by the Indians before the coming of the white man.
7:30 - Music, Indian band, twelve pieces.
7:15 - Presentation and introduction of Indian chiefs, army officers and construction chiefs responsible for the rapid completion of war project, and the pouring of thirty-two igloos in one day.
Indian chiefs - Chief Red Cloud, Chief Afraid of Horses, Princess Blue Waters, Princess Silver Cloud.
Army officers - Major Oechsle, Major Curtis, Major Londry, Captain Lane, Lieutenant Stanton, Lieutenant Harrison.
Construction chiefs - J. W. Terteling, William Foss, Roy King, "Doc" Berger.
Introduction of superintendents and foremen responsible for world's record.
Friendship established between Indian chiefs and construction chiefs.
Indian ceremonial prayer for the safe return of more than 600 braves and their white brothers, who have enlisted in Uncle Sam's armed forces.
Raising of the Stars and Stripes and singing of the "Star Spangled Banner," first by the Indians and then by everyone in the audience.
9:00 - Indian dances, Omaha, Victory, Rabbit, Sneak-Up, and others.
9:30 - Dancing free to war workers and their families in P. X. hall. Music furnished by the Swing Kings.
Colonel Lewis A. Pick of the division office in Omaha, Neb., and Colonel Richard Selee from Fort Peck are expected to be here to witness this unusual attraction. Captain Frank B. Fisher of the division in Omaha has promised to act as master of ceremonies and a recording of the entire show will be made for possible radio transcriptions. The pageant is made possible by J. W. Terteling of the Terteling company, and time for the show has been so arranged so as to correspond with the two shifts now scheduled by the contractor. The workmen on the day shift will be able to witness the full show in the evening and workers on the night shift will be able to see the performances in the afternoon.
The Swing Kings, popular orchestra, will play for dancing beginning at 9 o'clock in the P. X. hall. The dance is free and everyone is invited.
This day will long be remembered by persons who have been connected with the construction of this war project, and Mr. Terteling takes this opportunity to express his gratitude and appreciation to every man who played even the remotest part in accomplishing the construction of thirty-two igloos in one twenty-four hour period.
The show is open only to war workers and their families. Persons who are not employed on the war project will be refused admission at the guard gate.
Ray Henry Harmening, age 27, of Tripoli, Ia., died Sunday, Aug. 30 about 5 p. m., in an ambulance on the way to the hospital in Hot Springs. He was unmarried. His mother, Mrs. Mary Harmening, was notified.
Harmening was a truck driver for J. A. Terteling Construction company. He had been in their employ since Aug. 5.
While waiting in line for his turn at the gravel train Harmening had gotten out of his truck and was walking behind the truck immediately ahead. The driver of this truck in lining up his truck with the drag line, backed over the victim. The accident occurred about 4 p. m. He was rushed to the hospital on the area and examination showed serious injuries. He was immediately placed in an ambulance and rushed toward the hospital in Hot Springs. Harmening died before reaching Provo.
The body was taken to the McColley undertaking parlors in Edgemont.
PROVO, Sept. 2 - Grapevine reports are prominent throughout the area that men in large groups are quitting the job, while the truth is there are less than one per cent of the workers terminating.
According to Al Keefer, personnel manager for the Terteling Construction company, eighty-five men quit Tuesday.
Most of the men on the project are war workers and intend to see the job completed before they leave. Most of the floaters were eliminated early in the construction, and for the past thirty days, reports show less than one per cent turnover in manpower.
The wives and families of some of the workers have returned to their homes to enter the children in school, but more than 90 per cent of the workers have been on the project for several weeks and intend to remain here until the final bucket of concrete is poured.
PROVO, Sept. 2 (AP) - Two out-of-state men were killed at the village of Provo and on the Black Hills ordnance depot over the week-end.
Killed Saturday night was Benjamin Sloan, 54, Grand Marie, Minn., who died instantly when two wheels of a train backed over him.
Ray Harmening of Tripoli, Ia., was killed Sunday night when he reportedly was run over by a truck which was backing up.
Mrs. Truman Risling and daughter, Natalie, of Mitchell, S. D., arrived Monday night for a couple of days' visit with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zumbaum. The Rislings are old friends of the Zumbaums. Mr. Risling has employment at Provo.
Duane, Dwight and Ira Thurston arrived Friday from Denver for a few days' visit with relatives here. Mrs. Lois Lake of Hot Springs and J. E. Thurston of Provo joined them here for a short visit before they returned Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert O'Banion of Provo called on friends here Monday morning while en route to Rapid City.
Other visitors who registered the past week were: Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Bartlett, Provo.
Mrs. J. W. Raw, Provo, entered Tuesday for medical treatment.
Miss Charlotte Post, Provo, medical patient, was dismissed Tuesday.
Robert Agee, Provo, underwent surgery Tuesday.
Mrs. Charles Freihage, Provo, medical patient, was dismissed Tuesday.
William Bachman, Provo, was admitted Tuesday for surgery.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 3 (AP) - The awarding of the following contract by army engineers was announced late Wednesday by the war department:
Between $500,000 and $1,000,000, Killeen & Will Construction company of Superior, Wis., temporary frame buildings in Fall River county, South Dakota, for Fort Peck engineers' office.
Fred Schueler, Provo, medical patient, was admitted Wednesday.
Mrs. Ray Babbitt, Provo, medical patient, was admitted Wednesday.
PROVO, Sept. 3 - The office of price administration is conducting a survey in Fall River county to determine whether or not, rental prices conform with regulations fixed by the government as of March 1, 1942. . . .
Fall River county was designated as a defense rental area on April 28, 1942, and March 1, 1942, was fixed as the maximum rent date. . . .
Sammy Lane Stevens of Hot Springs and George B. Cooper of Culbertson, Mont., were married Aug. 15 at Casper, Wyo. A Methodist minister performed the ceremony.
Mrs. Cooper, who has made her home in Hot Springs for a number of years, has been employed in Edgemont since early last spring.
Mr. Cooper is a civil engineers' aide, working out of the United States engineers' office at the Black Hills ordnance depot at Provo.
They are making their home in their trailer house at Edgemont.
Mrs. Kennedy of Edgemont spent a few days last week in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Joe Trotter.
Beverly Law came down from Rapid City Tuesday to visit in the home of her friend, Patsy Trotter, also other friends.
Bob Porter was a caller here last Thursday.
A man was killed last Saturday night near the stockyards when he attempted to get on a moving train. He fell and the engine hit him.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Jackson transacted business at Hot Springs Saturday, and from there went to Oelrichs to visit in the home of her sister, Mrs. Ray Milligan. They returned by way of Ardmore to visit his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Jackson went to Hot Springs Saturday on business.
M. M. Linder, who has been coming up here from Crawford the past ten years, took very sick about ten days ago and was taken to the Alliance hospital. He died Saturday morning. Mr. Linder was liked by all who knew him.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hoar received word that their son was somewhere in Ireland, last week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hoar went to Edgemont Saturday. C. E. had some dental work done.
Mrs. May McDonna had some teeth extracted at Edgemont Monday.
S. T. Lilulehaugen of Minneapolis, inspector, defense areas, United States department of education, was in Hot Springs today to consult Supt. H. R. Woodward and County Superintendent Genevieve Frawley in regard to school facilities for the children which have come to this county because of the defense project at Provo. It is understood that an eight-room grade school will be established at Provo, under the supervision of Miss Adelaide Ward, formerly of the Buffalo Gap schools.
Joy Davis, member of the Hot Springs police force, began work today as a patrolman at the Black Hills ordnance depot at Provo. George Kasmer has taken his place on the police force.
The Hot Springs public schools opened for the year today with but slight increase in enrollment over last year.
Ted Schleve was home from Provo to spend Sunday with his family.
Chester Fleming was home from Provo for a little while Saturday.
Mrs. J. W. Raw, Provo, was able to return home Sunday.
Miss Dorothy Brade, Provo, entered Monday for medical treatment and returned home.
Charles L. Young, Provo, appendectomy patient, returned home Tuesday.
Mrs. C. R. Babbitt, Provo, medical patient, dismissed Sunday.
Delbert Reed, Provo, medical patient, was dismissed Sunday.
Henry Kueck, Provo, fracture patient, was dismissed Sunday.
Other visitors during the week were: Monday: R. D. Miller, Provo; Glen B. Thibault, Provo.
Bertha Bennett to Oscar Carlson, lot 1, block 3, Provo.
Bertha Bennett to William H. Speakman, lot 11, block 3, Provo.
Bertha Bennett to Miles Inman, lot 18, block 4, Provo.
Oscar Carlson to LuVerne E. Ebbesen, lot 1, block 3, Provo.
Quite a number of families are moving to different places, as their part of the work on the project is done.
The cement was poured in the new cistern one day last week. All are anxious for the water to be piped to it. It will be a great thing to have water here, as the people are out so much of the time.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Coates and her mother, Mrs. Clement, spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Coates.
There was a school meeting at the schoolhouse one day last week. Miss Genevieve Frawley, county superintendent, and Miss Ada Rickenbach attended, also a few others who were interested. Miss Rickenbach has been hired to teach the lower grades, and there will be an overseer, as there will be a large school here, besides the children on the project will have to be taken care of.
Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Dunbar went to Clifton Saturday to visit in the home of their daughter, Mrs. Orin Shuck. They also went to Newcastle on business. While there they saw Mr. and Mrs. Orval Bond. He had the misfortune to have his foot broken in repairing a car. He was getting around on crutches.
Otto Heiser Sr. came down from Hot Springs Monday to visit in the home of his daughter, Mrs. Ed Stearns.
Mrs. Archie Howe was down from Custer to attend the fair at Edgemont and came out with Mrs. Joe Trotter for a visit Monday evening. Quite a number attended the county fair Monday and Tuesday.
Mrs. Joe Ashton was a caller here Monday evening. She also called on her friend, Mrs. Enzer, while in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Olmstead and son left Tuesday morning for Fargo, N. D., where they will get their boys ready for school before going on to another job.
Darrell and Dean Watson went to Newcastle, Wyo., the last of the week to visit in the home of their grand-parents.
The clerks of the store and the maid at the Dunbar home planned a pleasant surprise on Mr. and Mrs. Dunbar last Wednesday. A nice lunch was served, with two big, beautifully decorated cakes and ice cream. They presented each one with a nice gift. After pictures were taken, all of the guests wished Mr. and Mrs. Dunbar many more such occasions.
The U. S. civil service commission has announced employment opportunities in the following position:
Truck driver (heavy duty), $1,320 a year, for employment at the Black Hills ordnance depot, Provo, and at the Rapid City air base, Rapid City.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 9 (AP) - The war department yesterday announced the awarding of a contract by army engineers to Peter Kiewit & Sons, Omaha, for a railroad trussle bridge and railroad in Fall River county, South Dakota, to cost between $100,000 and $500,000, and to be built under the supervision of Fort Peck, Mont., engineers.
R. W. Witzburger, Provo, was admitted for medical treatment Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hoff and son, Jerry, left Tuesday for their home at Leola. Mr. Hoff had been working at the Provo project since June. Mrs. Hoff recently was employed at the Post Fund store at Battle Mountain sanitarium.
Allen and Lois Wilson left today for Vermillion, where they will continue their studies at the state university the coming term. Lois is a sophomore and worked at Provo this summer. Allen attended the summer session at the university. He will finish in January. Lois was the chief winner in the jackpot at Provo Sunday, getting $343.22 for the best estimate on when the last igloo would be poured.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Brammer and children are leaving this week-end for Scottsbluff, Neb., to make their home. Mr. Brammer, who has been a paver operator with J. A. Terteling & Sons at the Black Hills ordnance depot at Provo this summer, has been transferred to Scottsbluff in the same capacity with the company.
Leave | Arrive | Leave | Arrive |
Hot Springs | Edgemont | Edgemont | Hot Springs |
5:00 a.m. | 6:15 a.m. | 8:00 a.m. | 9:15 a.m. |
11:30 a.m. | 12:30 p.m. | 3:45 p.m. | 4:45 p.m. |
9:45 p.m. | 11:00 p.m. | 1:00 a.m | 2:15 a.m. |
Leave | Arrive | Leave | Arrive |
Edgemont | Project | Project | Edgemont |
x 6:30 a.m. | 7:15 a.m. | 7:15 a.m. | z 8:00 a.m. |
8:15 a.m. | 9.06 a.m. | 9:15 a.m | 10:00 a.m. |
10:15 a.m. | 11.00 a.m. | y 11:30 a.m. | (School Run) 12:30 p.m. |
12:45 p.m. | 1.30 p.m. | 1:45 p.m. | z 2:30 p.m. |
3:00 p.m. | 3.45 p.m. | 3:45 p.m. | 4:30 p.m. |
4:30 p.m. | 5.15 p.m. | 5:30 p.m. | 6:15 p.m. |
y 6:30 p.m. (School Run) | 7:30 p.m. | 8:00 p.m. | 8:45 p.m. |
9:00 p.m. | 9:45 p.m. | 10:00 p.m. | 10:45 p.m. |
x 11:00 p.m. | 11:45 p.m. | 12:15 a.m. | z 1:00 a.m. |
NOTE: y This mark denotes runs for school children only.
x Denotes connection with bus from Hot Springs.
z Denotes connection with bus to Hot Springs. Connection made at Hot Springs to and from Rapid City.
Mrs. O. A. Inghram, Provo, entered Thursday for medical treatment.
Merrill Payne, Brainard, Minn., former Provo employee, surgical patient, was dismissed Thursday.
Elmer J. Walch, Provo worker, emergency fracture patient, was admitted Wednesday night for surgical treatment and application of a cast. He received a broken arm in the storm at Provo Wednesday night.
Ralph S. Christnot, Provo worker, formerly of Rapid City, was brought in Thursday night for emergency surgery for a ruptured gall bladder.
Clifford Emmons, Provo, who has been confined to the hospital for some time, was admitted for surgery today for leg amputation.
Fred Schueler, Provo, medical patient, was dismissed Friday.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 14 (AP) - The war department today announced the awarding of the following contracts, all under $50,000, by army engineers:
S. S. Roberts company, Rapid City, construction of access roads, Fall River county.
. . . survived by Mrs. Earl Giles and Miss Leah Zimet, Provo. (daughters)
Bertha Bennett to C. N. Bray, lot 2, block 8, first addition to Provo.
Bertha Bennett to J. O. Varilek, lot 1, block 1, first addition to Provo.
Elaine Lambert, 5-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lambert, Provo, entered Sunday for medical treatment.
Mrs. O. A. Inghram, Provo, medical patient, went home Sunday
Roy Argall, Provo, was admitted for orthopedic surgery Saturday.
Miss Wilma Petty left for Cambridge, Neb., Sunday, where she will teach commercial subjects in the public schools during the coming year. Wilma and Robert, daughter and son of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Petty, have worked at Provo this summer. Robert has received his orders to report to the air corps cadet classification center, Nashville, Tenn., and will leave soon.
PROVO, Sept. 15 - Yesterday finishing touches and cement top were put on the cistern at Provo.
"Though it is late and the expected federal aid is yet forthcoming, the completion of the cistern will answer a permanent problem at Provo," said Dr. F. Hamilton Redewell, public health officer for Fall River and Custer counties. "This will be the first evidence of the township having their own independent water storage capacity and will be well used throughout the duration.
"The completion of this cistern was under the direction of Ira De Haai, sanitarian for the district health office, with the help of the township board under Ray Fayles and with the combined material aid of Rye & Henkel, contractors, who supplied the mixed trucks, and the Western Construction company under Mr. Saline, foreman, for the mix. The army engineers are loaning some pipe to the township of Provo, and it is hoped that connections can be made between the nearest available source of water from the project and this cistern behind Dunbar's store. The cistern will be ready for use as soon as the cement has correctly settled and dried. If there is not enough pipe to connect to the cistern it will be necessary to ask for bids for water hauling to fill the cistern."
E. D. Elton of Provo was renewing old acquaintances here Saturday.
Miss Rickenbach spent Wednesday night with Miss Manders. She is teaching at Provo this year.>
P. A. Lundeen has been transferred to a new position at Provo. He is now in the ordnance department as munitions checker. (Well, he always did like to play checkers!)
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Olson left Friday for their home at Pierre. Mr. Olson has been working on the project at Provo for some time.
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Bauer and children of Rapid City were visiting at the home of his sister, Mrs. Leonard Rickard, one day last week. Mr. Bauer was looking for a job here on the project.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hinkle of Newcastle spent the week-end recently at the home of her sister, Mrs. Andrew Gossel.
Clifford Wilson and Mr. McCullem of Hot Springs were callers here one day last week.
M. M. Inman and son, Calvin, moved a big building for J. O. Varilek from White Clay, Neb., to Provo. It makes quite an addition for Provo and will be used for bowling and billiards.
Jerry Archer of Omaha has opened a barber shop at Provo. Archer also will promote prize fights at Edgemont this fall. Archer was the manager of the world's middle-weight champion, Jimmy Clabby, and has leading fighters in Omaha and Sioux City under his management.
Mrs. Orin Shuck and little son made a business and pleasure trip combined here from Clifton, Wyo., Saturday and returned home Sunday noon.
Mrs. Strong, who has been here visiting her daughter and family, Mrs. Cash Rogers, returned home Sunday to Moorcroft.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robison spent Sunday in the home of their daughter, Mrs. Ralph Scott. Mrs. Gow accompanied them from Edgemont.
Mrs. George Dryden and daughter came up from Crawford Sunday to spend the day with her husband, who works at the depot.
Agent Hack was a passenger to Crawford Saturday for a visit with his family.
Frank Rowe received a message that his father had passed away at his home in Forbes, N. D. He and his wife left to attend the funeral.
Mrs. Kinser visited in the home of her son, Morris, the first of the week.
Mrs. Berkshire was called to Edgemont Sunday evening to see her mother, who was quite sick with intestinal flu. Monday morning she was much better.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Jackson made a business trip down in Nebraska the last of the week.
Ray Fales has leased the J. & L. cafe and started operation Monday evening. Hope he has good luck.
Wayne Thurn, Provo, was admitted Monday for treatment for injuries which he received in a truck accident.
Chris Heil, Provo, was admitted Monday for medical care.
Capt. and Mrs. T. M. Carlton and family left Sunday for Anniston, Ala., where Captain Carlton, who was on the Provo project, has been transferred to the Anniston ordnance depot. The Carlton family resided at "Tipperary" on College hill.
Miss Helen Bondurant began work Sunday as a nurse's aid at the Lutheran hospital. Miss Bondurant had been working in the hospital at Black Hills ordnance depot at Provo.
WHEN TERTELING laid off several thousand men last week at the Black Hills ordnance depot, following the completion of his contract, the effect on business in the county became immediately noticeable. Some of the workers stayed at Provo, to work for other contractors or for the ordnance depot, but most of them seem to have left for their homes or for work in other defense areas.
Provo is certain, however, to remain a scene of great activity throughout the duration. A number of contracts are still to be completed, and probably others will be let, before the ordnance depot is built up to the standard and size which the war department wants. And after the depot is completed, ordnance will require several thousand workers to operate it.
So while the big rush at Provo is over, there will be a lot of activity there for months and years to come.
The Black Hills ordnance depot is a permanent institution, built to store great quantities of war materials. It will be used to full capacity by the government during the war. It will also be used after the war, for it is unthinkable that the government will not maintain an adequate preparedness program for a long time after the firing ceases. The people simply will not permit the nation to lapse again into a period of unpreparedness so long as the slightest chance remains for it to be menaced by aggressor powers.
Fred Fohler, Provo, entered Tuesday for treatment and was dismissed Wednesday.
Ron Argall, Provo, had orthopedic surgery Wednesday.
Luciano H. Sosa, Provo. (only one from Provo)
Survivors; . . .Leah and Inice (Mrs. Earl Giles) of Provo. . . (daughters)
Mrs. James Stafford was over from Provo this week visiting her husband for the day.
Leave | Arrive | Leave | Arrive |
Hot Springs | Edgemont | Edgemont | Hot Springs |
4:30 a.m. | 5:45 a.m. | ||
6:00 a.m. | 7:00 a.m. | x 8:00 a.m. | 9:15 a.m. z |
11:30 a.m. | 12:30 p.m. | x 4:00 p.m. | 5:00 p.m. z |
5:00 p.m. | 6:00 p.m. | x 7:00 p.m. | 8:00 a.m. |
9:45 p.m. | 11:00 p.m. | x 11:15 p.m. | 12:30 a.m. |
x 1:00 a.m. | 2:15 a.m. |
Leave | Arrive | Leave | Arrive |
Edgemont | Project | Project | Edgemont |
6:00 a.m. | 6:45 a.m. | 7:15 a.m. | 8:00 a.m. x |
e 7:00 a.m. | 7:45 a.m. | e 8:00 a.m. | (School Run) 8:45 a.m. s |
9:00 a.m. | 9:45 a.m. | 10:00 a.m. | 10:45 a.m. |
11:00 a.m. | 11:45 a.m. | r 12:01 p.m. | 12:40 p.m. |
e 11:00 a.m. | 11:45 a.m. | e 12.01 p.m | (School Run) 12:40 p.m. s |
12:45 p.m. | 1:30 p.m. | 1:40 p.m. | 2:20 p.m. |
2:30 p.m. | 3:10 p.m. | 3:20 p.m. | 4:00 p.m. x s |
r 4:10 p.m. | (School Run) 4:50 p.m. s | 5:00 p.m. | 5:40 p.m. s |
6:00 p.m. | (School Run) 6:45 p.m. s | 7:00 p.m. | 7:45 p.m. |
9:15 p.m. | 10:00 p.m. | 10:15 p.m. | 11:00 p.m. x |
11:15 p.m. | 12:00 p.m. | 12:15 a.m. | 1:00 a.m. x |
NOTE: x Connection to Hot Springs from Project.
y From Project to Hot Springs.
z Connection to Rapid City.
r Regular bus.
e Extra bus.
s School run.
tested in Internet Explorer 8 tested in Mozilla Firefox 3.5.7 tested in Google Chrome