Vol. 1, No. 18 | page 11 | May 9, 1952 |
Sports at BHOD for the last decade have grown with the depot. Today a variety of sports can be found to equal those of any spot in the country. Active seasonal sports are basketball, softball, baseball, bowling, golf, swimming, volley ball, target shooting, trap shooting, pocket billards, shuffleboard, table tennis, hunting, fishing, and high school basketball, football and track.
Sports began during the construction days when a group of WPA workers from Fall River County came to the depot and established playgrounds, conducted baseball and volleyball games and a boxing program. The USO was active in providing a sports program for the teen-agers and children following the construction period.
The BHOD Civic Association, later the Employees' Welfare Association, and now the BHOD Post Civilian Welfare Council, was organized in November, 1943, and assumed a major role in the direction of sports on the depot. The present sports program is sponsored by the Civilian Welfare Council with able assistance from the local Vets and VFW Clubs.
Basketball has been an active sport since the early days of the depot. A basketball league was formed with eight competing teams during the 1943-44 season. No league was organized for the 1944-45 season; however, a team representing the depot played to capacity crowds with teams of surrounding towns. The local Vets and VFW Clubs sponsor a team each year. The annual tournament, sponsored by the Vets Club, provides fine entertainment for the local fans. The past season was a successful one for the local clubs. The Vets won 17 of 31 games and the VFW won 35 and lost only six. The local teams are to be members of a Tri-State Basketball League next season.
In May, 1943, a Softball League was organized on the depot. Softball, always a popular sport, has provided a source of friendly rivalry between the Divisions of the depot. The sport furnishes competition for both men and women teams. The Vets Club sponsors a team each year and during the years 1946 through 1949, sponsored the Tri-State Softball Tournament on the local field. Igloo won the tournament in 1947 and 1949. The Vets Club will become a member of the Tri-State Softball League this season.
The depot has sponsored a baseball team each year since 1942 during the construction days. In 1945, a team representing BHOD went to the State Baseball Tournament at Watertown. The local Vets Club has sponsored the baseball team during recent years.
The Junior Legion Baseball Team, organized on the depot, provides competition for the teen-age boys. This year promises some good games on the local diamond with the new Junior League consisting of Sturgis, Lead, Rapid City, Custer, Hot Springs, Oelrichs and Igloo.
The Jr.-Jr. baseball team, organized during the last two years, provides interest for the youngsters in the national sport and builds players for the future.
The local bowling alley was constructed during the 1944-45 season. Each year since that time, both men's and women's leagues have been formed. Usually there are 16 teams in the men's league and eight teams in the women's league. This past season, the men's league was won by the Ammunition Inspection Office team and winners of the women's league was the Edgemont Alley Cats.
Golf was organized on the depot during the spring of '47. Since that date, interest in the sport has increased, and at the present time there are 30 members in the local club. The club has its own club tournaments and during the year 1951, the first annual BHOD Golf Tournament was held. Several members of the local club won trophies at tournaments in the surrounding towns. Plans are being made for a big year on the local links.
The swimming pool furnishes many relaxing hours for the depot employees and their families. The local pool was constucted in 1945. During the hot summer days, the pool is a favorite haunt for the youngsters of the post. The pool is presently getting a revamping and should be ready for use by June 1st.
Volleyball was one of the first sports organized on the depot. It provides an excellent means of reducing the waistline. The community building gym furnishes an excellent court for the game.
The local members of the National Rifle Association have both an inside and an outside target range. Many of the local nimrods use this means to keep their eye sharpened up for the fall antelope, deer and elk hunting. The local gun club has an excellent trap shooting range and some of the members are quite sharp with the old scattergun. Several trap shoots are held each year, drawing participants from surrounding communities.
The local community building is a haven for those wishing to play pocket billiards, shuffleboard and table tennis. Tournaments sponsored by the Civilian Welfare Council are held annually to determine the local champs.
Hunting and fishing, while not available on the depot proper, are in the immediate vicinity and will have to be considered a depot sport. Antelope, deer, elk and ducks may be shot within a few miles of the depot. Jack rabbits and cottentails furnish excellent targets for the small bore riflemen. Both stream and lake fishing are available within a few miles ride from Igloo. Trout, bass, croppie, bluegill, pike, catfish and perch are some of the local species of fish caught.
High School Footabll - During the 1943-44 season through the 1945-46 season under Coach George Bain, the local team won two and lost 15. The teams during the first year worked under a hardship. The football field was changed to three different locations which was enough to discourage the boys. The 1946-47 and the 1947-48 season was under Coach Dale Tangeman and the teams won 11 and lost five. The 1948-49 through the 1951-52 season under Coach Vic Garvis the teams won 15 lost 15 and tied one.
High School Basketball - The 1943-44 through the 1945-46 season under Coach Bain the teams won 15 and lost 19 games. The 1946-47 and the 1947-48 season under Coach Tangeman the teams won 17 and lost 12. The 1948-49 through the 1951-52 season under Coach Garvis the teams won 28 and lost 36. The 1949-50 team won the District Tournament and the 1951-52 team won the District Tournament and were runners up at the Regional.
High School Track - No records available for the years 1943 to 1945. 1946 - The mile relay team won first at the regional track meet and qualified for the state meet. 1947 - Three men qualified for the state track meet in the sprints. 1948 - A well balanced team won the regional track meet at Rapid City. 1949 - The mile and 880 relay team and sprint medley team qualified for the state track meet. 1950 - Provo qualified an 880 relay team, mile relay and sprint medley team for the state track meet. The sprint medley and 880 relay won second. 1951 - The 440 relay team won first at the Dakota Relays at Sioux Falls. The 880 relay team won first at the regional meet and placed second in the state meet.
Vol. 2, No. 6 | page 2 | Feb. 6, 1953 |
The Civilian Welfare Council is to be commended for their practical approach to the difficult job of planning the future welfare program for Igloo. They placed all the issues before the depot employees and, thus, by popular vote they not only learned what Igloo people preferred but they obtained many excellent suggestions for future guidance.
Unknown to the Council, however, were two issues that could not be settled by the ballot; the roller skating rink and the project for covering the swimming pool to make it usable all year.
It was apparently assumed that the old Mess Hall (building 1400) would be made available for roller skating. However, the Council obviously didn't know that a decision had been made several months ago to use this building as a combination post engineer warehouse, heating shop, and housing warehouse. While it is true that the Mess Hall was used for recreational purposes during a period of reduced activities, the situation has changed considerably and building space is currently unusually critical. It is certainly agreed that roller skating would be an excellent addition to our recreational facilities but the possiblity of acquiring a suitable building is extremely remote at this time.
The swimming pool issue involves a slightly different problem. This too, sounds like a fine idea until you examine the probable cost of such a project. The Post Engineer estimates that a suitable structure with heating and other necessary utilities would probably cost from $50,000 to $75,000.
A look at the Welfare budget quickly reveals that a project of such scope is completely beyond their financial capabilities. What about using appropriated funds? There again, you have the matter of "first things first". Appropriated funds for essential maintenance, repair, additions, etc., are critically short. There are several projects carrying high priorities for which we have not been able to obtain money. It would be futile to consider, even for a moment, the possibility that we could justify spending this kind of money for a covered swimming pool when existing buildings and utilities are in need of extensive repairs.
Notwithstanding the above, we have a fine welfare and recreational program at Igloo and we could be in worse shape. Furthermore, the Council is showing considerable enthusiam and there is little doubt that the program will be constantly improved within the limits of financial resources.
Don't forget where your Civilian Welfare money comes from. The more you spend at Igloo the more money in your welfare fund. Almost three and one-quarter cents of every dollar you spend in Igloo is returned to your welfare fund by the Concessionaire.
Vol. 4, No. 2 | page 2 | Jan. 14, 1955 |
Perhaps going unnoticed before the public eye in Igloo is the fact the BHOD Athletic Association has done more for the people of Igloo insofar as athletic activities are concerned than any other organization thus far.
Activities sponsored so far this year by the Athletic Assoiation are: Tri-State Softball Tourney, Six-man Football League, starting the Square Dance Club, sponsoring four-school alumni tourney, Intramural basketball league in which a lot of men working here are participating. They are also going to give returns of the Selby-Provo game at Mitchell this Saturday and sponsor a three state basketball tournament the first weekend in February.
Any activities that you might have in mind, contact Grubbs, DuBois, Hipsher or Cottrell. Your support will be greatly appreciated.