Vol. 1 No. 2 | page 5 | Dec. 21, 1951 |
The Vet's Club was a "Santa's Work Shop" this week as volunteers busily packaged assorted nuts, candies, fruits and other goodies for the small fry of Igloo, S. D. This is the fifth year they have played host to our younger generation by handing out 1000 to 1100 candy sacks at Christmas time. Best of all they have good Old Saint Nick doing the honors. All children in the fifth grade and under are eligible. (Santa's helpers from left to right are: Floyd Beauvais, Charles Wilhelm, John Mutchler, James Ressigue, Harold Heald, Frank Burke, Melville Cox, William Hodgekiss, George Cottrell, Peter Knoepfle, unindentified, John Eric and Matt Balander).
Vol. 1 No. 51 | page 2 | Dec. 26, 1952 |
Shown here is that grand old gent, Santa Claus himself, handing out Christmas treats to the Igloo kiddies. Assistants are Royce Shepherd, president of the Igloo Vets Club (sponsors of the project), standing behind Santa; Jim Ressiguie, back to camera; and Buck Young, extreme right.
Vol. 2 No. 52 | page 1 | Dec. 25, 1953 |
Well, what do you know? It's SANTA HISSELF! Little Daveen Graybeal of Igloo experiences that greatest of juvenile thrills - meeting the fabulous, red-robed, bewhiskered old gent that's just the greatest guy ever! At a children's Christmas party this week, given by the BHOD Veterans Club in their Igloo club rooms, photogenic Daveen was one of 1042 youngsters who took advantage of the magnanimity of old Santa - and the Vets Club. Daveen, who is two, is the daughter of Mr. and Mr. Jay E. Graybeal.
Vol. 3 No. 51 | page 1 | Dec. 17, 1954 |
Santa Claus is coming to town. The Igloo "Vets" Club announced today that Santa Claus will make his annual visit to the Vets Club on Tuesday 21 December 1954. He will be on hand to greet the pre-school children at 1:15 and he is expecting a good sized gathering from these youngsters. Kindergarten children and children in grades one through four will be greeted by Santa the same afternoon, and he is busy making arrangements with the teachers of those respective grades for the time when they are to come to the club. So just don't forget kiddies that Santa will be around to see you and give each of you one of his "goody" treats next Tuesday at the Vets Club. (Santa also visited the Officers' Club and the Kiwanis theater party)
Vol. 3 No. 52 | page 1 | Dec. 24, 1954 |
Santa Claus brought a multitude of joy to approzimately 700 children when he appeared at the Igloo "Vets" Club on Tuesday afternoon, December 21. From the "ooooh's" and "aaaah's" heard while the jolly old gent was busy distributing treats to the children we know that the treats were really appreciated by the small fry.
Vol. 3 No. 53 | page 1 | Dec. 31, 1954 |
In the large picture, Santa is having some difficulty in getting David Boltz, age one year, interested in his treat which Santa brought to the Vets Club. Saint Nick's helper at the Vets Club visit was Bill Hotchkiss who aided in passing out 800 sacks. Prior to his Vets Club visit, Saint Nick had his picture snapped at the Officers' Club with some other Depot cuties. In the insert, left to right, are Mary Hipsher, an unidentified child, Mickey Lorenz and Kathy Sweeney. Stub Bohart looks on at the left.