Vol. 1 No. 18 | page 8 | May 9, 1952 |
On March 18, 1945, V. F. W. Auxiliary of Defense Post 3530 was instituted. The charter has been changed to "Patrick Varvel Post 3530 Auxiliary" in honor of an Igloo boy who gave his life in Korea. Charter members still are: Dena Hanna, Jane Lambert, Clara Jackman, Evelyn Montanile, Ethel Ollerman, Barbara Ritter and Grace Tames.
We have an annual "Poppy Day" which is held near Memorial Day. The poppies are made by the patients in the Veterans Administration Hospital, Fort Meade. All the proceeds from such sales are divided between the Post and Auxiliary and put into a relief fund which is spent on needy veterans and their families. Our slogan is "Honor The Dead By Helping The Living."
Two years ago the Vets Club sponsored milk for the school children. The Auxiliary served milk once daily to kindergarten through the third grade.
The V. F. W. National Home is one of our main projects. It is not a charity home and boys and girls living in the home have the best opportunity for the highest education. Also it strives to keep brothers and sisters in the same house so as not to have families broken. There are several houses with a group living as a family with House Mothers to care for them.
Numerous social activities such as Pot Luck suppers, annual Christmas parties, card parties, and Bingo games are given during the year.
The Hospital Committee is appointed to send entertainment and gifts to the Veterans Hospitals in our vicinity.
Annual donations are made to the Cancer Fund, Red Cross, National Home and many other worthwhile drives.
Vol. 2 No. 2 | page 1 | Jan. 9, 1953 |
Mrs. Martin, president of the VFW Auxiliary, reports that generously prepared grocery baskets were distributed to 23 families of employees of the Black Hills Ordnance Depot over the holidays. The Auxiliary wishes to express appreciation to all persons and organizations contributing to the success of this project. Organizations assisting included the Boy Scouts, the Vets and Kiwanis Clubs, the Provo and Post Grocery Stores, the Altar Society, the Mary Martha Circle and the Community Chest.
Vol. 2 No. 51 | page 10 | Dec. 18, 1953 |
VFW Post and Auxiliary will hold their Christmas party at the Community Building, Sunday, December 20, beginning at 2:00 p.m., with potluck dinner. Each member of the Auxiliary is to bring a covered dish and salad or dessert. There will be treats for all children. Members of the VFW and Auxiliary are urged to bring their children and have a gay old time.
April 11, 1957; new officers; Mrs. Roy Lambert, president; Bessie Swenson, senior president; Elma Barrett, junior president; Matilda Johnle, treasurer; Mildred Mudge, chaplain; Evelyn Olmstead, conductress; Elna Johnson, guard; Rilla McCroskey, trustee, one year; Mrs. Hendersen, trustee, two years; Pauline Straight, trustee, three years; Eva Pogreba, historian; Louise Porter, musician.
District delegates are Bessie Swenson and Loretta Moore. Alternates are Mrs. Porter and Rilla McCroskey.
Aug. 15, 1957; cookies, kool-aide and coffee served by Shirley Kidder and Loretta Moore. Reporter Eleanor Varvel.