image of main gate



The Hot Springs Evening Star

Aug. 6, 1942

Provo Water Tower Up 105 Feet in Record Time

Storage Will be Provided for 100,000 Gallons on Project

The last batch of concrete was poured into the hydraulic form on the double barreled water tower Tuesday, when the structure reached 105 feet in height.

A most sensational engineering feat was accomplished, and is ready for the construction of the dome, according to Cushman Clark and Art Kiehn, of the U. S. engineers, inspectors.

The tower, which will be used for the storage of 100,000 gallons of water, was watched by hundreds of interested workers as it shot up at the rate of about fifteen feet each day. The hydraulic lift advanced the form only three-eighths of an inch per minute as the concrete would dry.

The tower was erected by Feller-Graus, prime contractors. The structure when completed, will have a dome sixteen feet nine inches high and thirty-two feet in diameter. It will be equipped with a dome light and beacon platform.

The 1965 Rattler
Published by the Provo Yearbook Staff
Provo High School
Igloo, South Dakota

Tower of Memories

The most noted land mark in this area. BHAD's water tower, was started on June 10, 1942, and almost completed on August 1, 1942. The concrete structure was designed to hold 100,000 gallons of water. Rising to its great height, it can be seen for miles around, serving as a beacon to the BHAD residents.

(under construction)


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