image of main gate



The Walrus

The Walrus

Vol. II No. 48 page 2 Nov. 27, 1953

'Q' Officials Discuss Traffic Problems At Depot

Engine 8673

Three officials of the - - - the Burlington from Deadwood; George F. Jones, the railroad's executive general agent from Scottsbluff, Nebraska; Noah E. McKinney, the Depot's Transportation Officer; S. R. Harris, division superintndent of the Burlington at Alliance; Lt. Col. Roy B. Southworth, Jr., Executive Officer; Gerner Olsen, Chief of Storage Division; and Captain Milton J. Drain, Acting Assistant for Supply Operations. Making up the BHOD train crew, left to right, are: Alfred Ferdig, brakeman; Sherman Hendrix, engineer; and Kenneth Hyatt, conductor.

Vol. II No. 48 page 2 Nov. 27, 1953

'Q' Officials Discuss Traffic Problems At Depot


Looking over shipment of 105 mm howitzers are George F. Jones, executive general agent of the Burlington from Scottsbluff, Nebraska; R. H. Brockman, traveling freight and passenger agent from Deadwood; S. R. Harris, division superintendent of the road at Alliance; and N. E. McKinney, the BHOD's Transportation Officer.


Time Table

November, 1956 to April, 1957
Page 22
Kansas City - St. Joseph - Lincoln - Billings

Train 43 Miles Altitude Stations shown in italics Train 42
Daily indicate connections Daily
AM Mountain Time PM
6:50 366 3969 Lv.....Alliance, 13, 14.....Ar 10:35
7:15 385 4260 Hemingford 10:09
Niobrara River
7:41 401 4158 Marsland 9:49
410 4491 Belmont 9:36
Horseshoe Curve
8:32 423 3678 Crawford 9:14
White River
f 8:53 440 3620 Orella, Neb.
9:05 450 3558 Ardmore, S. Dak. 8:33
f 9:15 459 3511 Rumford f 8:23
9:25 467 3712 Provo 8:14
9:40 476 3453 Lv.....Edgemont, 37.....Lv 8:00
9:50 476 3453 Lv.......Edgemont.......Ar 7:50
f 10:07 490 3638 Burdock
f 10:15 496 3711 Dewey, S. Dak
10:53 521 4322 Ar.....Newcastle, Wyo.....Lv 6:45

f Flag stop

Westbound No. 43 Eastbound No. 42
Sleeping Cars Sleeping Cars
Omaha to Billings 8 Sec. 5 D.B.R. Car 430 Billings to Omaha 8 Sec. 5 D.B.R. Car 420
Dining Car - for all meals Dining Car - for all meals
Reclining Chair Coaches Reclining Chair Coaches
Lincoln to Billings (On No. 43) Billings to Lincoln

(under construction)

From the above schedule it appears that in the winter of 1956/57 the morning train, No. 43, traveled North past Igloo at approximately 9:30 a.m. The evening train, No. 42, traveled South past Igloo at approximately 8:10 p.m.


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