Vol. 1, No. 1 | Dec. 7, 1951 | First Issue, published by Civilian Welfare council, printed by The Custer Chronicle, bi-weekly |
Vol. 1, No. 7 | Feb. 22, 1952 | switch from bi-weekly to weekly |
Vol. 1, No. 12 | March 28, 1952 | Last issue printed by The Custer Chronicle |
Vol. 1, No. 13 | April 4, 1952 | First issue printed by Hills Printing Co. of Hill City, slightly smaller format |
Vol. 1, No. 51 | Dec. 26, 1952 | Last issue of Volume 1 |
Vol. 2, No. 1 | Jan. 2, 1953 | First issue of Volume 2 |
Vol. 2, No. 52 | Dec. 25, 1953 | Last issue of Volume 2 |
Vol. 3, No. 1 | Jan. 1, 1954 | First issue of Volume 3 |
Vol. 3, No. 17 | April 23, 1954 | Last issue of smaller format |
Vol. 3, No. 18 | April 30, 1954 | Larger format - new printing press at Hills Printing Co. |
Vol. 3, No. 53 | Dec. 31, 1954 | Last issue of Volume 3 |
Vol. 4, No. 1 | Jan. 7, 1955 | First issue of Volume 4 |
Vol. 4, No. 17 | April 29, 1955 | Last issue with Civilian Welfare Council as publisher |
Vol. 4, No. 18 | May 6, 1955 | First issue with Anderson's Inc. (concessionaire) as publisher |
Vol. 4, No. 44 | Oct. 28, 1955 | Last issue of The Walrus |
No Walrus published or printed during this period | ||
Vol. 5, No. 7 | Feb. 14, 1957 | The Walrus reissued with Hills Printing Co. as Publisher and Printer |
Vol. 5, No. 51 | Dec. 24, 1957 | Last issue of Volume 5 |
Vol. 5, No. 52 | Not sure if there was a No. 52 | |
Vol. 6, No. 1 | Jan. 9, 1958 | First issue of Volume 6 |
Vol. 6, No. 3 | Jan. 23, 1958 | Last Walrus |
"The time has come," the Walrus said,
"To talk of many things-"
* * * *
The difficult task of choosing a name for the new publication from a list of nearly three hundred entries was assigned to a representative committee of three who met for that purpose Tuesday evening, Nov. 20.
Keen interest in the new enterprise was evidenced not only in the number of names submitted but in the wide variety of titles that ran the gamut of imagination, humor and pure inspiration.
An interesting coincicence was the similarity or duplication of many unusual and clever names.
In determining the final selection, the committee set certain standards that governed the choice of a title for a community newspaper. It was felt that the name should have community-wide appeal, thus elimating many names submitted on an activity or departmental basis; that it should, in some manner, reflect or represent this unique community. Through a happy combination of circumstances the committee was able to select what they considered not only a very suitable name but also an appropriate sketch, thus fulfilling the chief requirements at one time.
Mr. Martin J. Gayhart, of the Post Engineers submitted the name "The Walrus," accompanying it with the well-known verse by Lewis Carroll:
Mr. Gayhart suggested that "The Walrus" was not only suitable as a name for a publication in a community named "Igloo," but that the use of the verse would serve to preface or introduce the contents of the paper. The committee also felt that the "Walrus" could indeed become a personality in his own right in the ensuing issues of the publication. Mrs. Walton Austin, the former Bernice Necklace, by a strange coincidence submitted a sketch with her entry that was in every way illustrative of Mr. Gayhart's title, depicting the dignified figure of a walrus contemplating the scene before him. An igloo and arctic skyline completed the background. In view of the fact that the sketch and name are equally important, both Mrs. Austin and Mr. Gayhart will receive $10.00 for their entries.
The committee members chosen to select the name for the publication were Mrs. Julia Brigham, Mr. Rudolph Bartz and Mr. Dore Newlin.
Vol. 1 No. 4 | page 6 | Jan. 18, 1952 |
To Mr. Edgar Heer goes the distinction of being the first paid subscriber to The Walrus. Said Ed. "I think the paper is a distinct asset to the community and I want to pay my part toward making it a success." It is cooperative spirit like this that will enable the staff to produce a better periodical.
Mrs. Harold Jones of Monte Vista, Colorado sent in the first subscription for off-the-post subscribers.
- - -
Vol. 2 No. 1 | page 2 | Jan. 2, 1953 |
The Walrus was pleasantly surprised to learn of the support it was given at the recent balloting for Civilian Welfare Fund projects. From the election trend gathered from about three-fourths of the ballots cast, 89 per cent of those voting on the question indicated the voters wanted The Walrus continued in some form.
The Walrus is sponsored and in part financed by the Civilian Welfare council. The vote of confidence, apparently means the depot newspaper originally begun about a year ago by the Council has been given a not of approval.
The Council has been concerned with the net cost of the paper which for the past year has averaged about $90 per issue. Various plans have been discussed which would reduce the net cost. Solutions considered included reducing the number of pages, bi-monthly publication and subscriptions.
Increased revenue from advertising has not been feasable because of the existing policy prohibiting advertising of any type of product in competition with that sold by the depot concessionaire. A decrease in concessionaire gross receipts caused by outside advertising taking business away from Igloo would mean a decrease in the proceeds which the concessionaire makes available to the Post Restaurant Fund and Civilian Welfare Fund for community activities which are for the welfare of depot residents.
A final decision as to the exact form The Walrus will take is expected early this year by the new council. The Walrus Staff considers its first and most important New Years Resolution the publication of a newsy, readable paper, the best it knows how within the guides established for its operation.
Vol. 2 No. 2 | page 1 | Jan. 9, 1953 |
Resolving the fate of The Walrus drew the heaviest balloting in the voting on projects to be considered by the 1953 Civilian Welfare Council.
Of the 570 employees taking part in the voting 433 voters had something to say on the issue. Percentage wise 86 per cent wanted The Walrus continued, their being but 60 dissenting votes.
Of those indicating a preference for continuing the paper 70 per cent wanted a six-page issue. The other 30 per cent were evenly divided between a four-page issue and bi-weekly issues.
Financing the publication, the biggest questions facing the new council, could be solved according to 62 percent of the voters by selling on a subscription basis. About one-half of those preferring subscriptions would be willing to have the Civilian Welfare Fund bear a portion of the expense.
Enlarging the seating capacity of the gym at the Community Building ranked among new projects to be considered. Other projects are listed in order of preference; (2) distributing seedling trees; (3) setting up a skating rink; (4) teen-age canteen; (5) covering the swimming pool; (6) improving the library by purchase of more books; (7) purchase of play ground equipment; (8) continuation of boxing classes; (9) parking ramp at football field; (10) hiring a recreation director; (11) setting up a hobby shop; (12) publication of a BHODian; (13) improved lighting on softball field; (14) continuation of leather craft; (15)seeding football field; (16) handicraft classes for girls and (17) camera club.
Vol. 2, No. 6 | page 2 | Feb. 6, 1953 |
The Civilian Welfare Council poll of a month ago showed that the vast majority of Iglooites favored the continuance of the Walrus as a six-page weekly newpaper. The Walrus Staff would like to keep it that way, too, but this is no simple matter.
The brutal truth is that the Walrus is costing too much. Each week, the Council has to dish out over $90 so Iglooites may read the paper. Unfortunately the council is not wealthy, and wants to spend some of its money on other worthwhile projects such as the tree-planting which it plans for this Spring.
Unfortunately, the paper probably could not make ends meet if it was left to flounder on its own and try to make up for its costs merely by increased advertising and paid subscriptions. Such a situation would doubtless mean a drop in circulation and a rise in cost per copy.
Several comments in the Council poll indicated a feeling that the Walrus was being wasted, because too many copies were being left at the clock alleys. The staff tried to cut down on the number sent out to the various divisions and branches, but has found the number picked up by employees fluctuates considerably from week to week. While a particular building or clock alley may have too many copies one week, it may be short the following week.
The Walrus would like to cut down its free circulation, however, and the staff thinks the cooperation of Depot employees can make this possible.
There are about 900 employee housing units in Igloo, Provo and Edgemont. The staff mails about 100 copies to servicemen (free), other installations, paying subscribers, etc. Others go to advertisers. It seems, anyway, that if every Igloo family took only one paper each week and perhaps if singe employees living in the barracks would share their copies with each other, we should be able to cut down to fewer that 1100 copies a week.
In the past, we've had to order 1500 copies; if every employee took a copy home, this wouldn't be too many. But if everybody cooperates and stops taking home a copy when another member of the family or the fellow in the barracks room across the hall also will be bringing one home, it should be easy to make 1100 sufficient. Let's try it!
Any other suggestions by you readers on cutting down costs or improving the paper are welcome.
Vol. 2 No. 31 | page 2 | July 31, 1953 |
Delivery of most of the copies of today's WALRUS is through the courtesy of Bill Anderson. In discussing WALRUS problems with Bill the other day, he advanced the theory that our distribution at the clocks left something to be desired - that the coverage might not be one hundred percent.
Bill felt that delivery to the home solved the problem, but the cost of deliver was the snag. The congenial conscessionaire then came up with a welcome offer - he would foot the bill for deliveries for a month and then a check will be made to ascertain if the system gets better results, from the standpoint of the advertiser.
We are grateful to Bill for his generous offer. L. F. H.
Vol. 3 No. 2 | page 2 | Jan. 8, 1954 |
Ray Horton, Walrus Circulation Manager said this week the Walrus staff and printers would give an assist to readers who wished to bind their 1953 issues.
Horton said a number of readers during the past year had indicated they were saving all issues. Binding them in book form is an excellent method of insuring against loss of issues and will provide a permanent record, to be leafed through in succeeding years for historical purposes as well as memories of yester-year.
Binding costs will run somewhere between $4 and $6 per volume, depending upon the number who wish to take advantage of the offer. This estimate is the actual amount paid the Rapid City binder. (Independent Bindery Co.) Covers are of a heavy material with a stapled backing. A sample of the 1952 volume is available at the Community Building for inspection.
The Circulation Manager said there are some extra copies available, of most of the issues, and missing issues would be supplied free of charge on a first come first served basis for those wishing to bind their copies.
Readers wishing to take advantage of the binding service should bring all 1953 issues to the Community Building by January 18, together with a listing of any missing issues. A deposit of $2.50 will be required before the order is accepted, with the balance due at the time of delivery sometime in the spring. Horton said he would be glad to answer any questions. His telephone is 21.
The Walrus; May 2, 1957; R. R. "Speed" Deimer of Personnel Office has assumed the dual responsibility as Editor of the Walrus and Housing Clerk.
The Walrus office is now located in the Housing Office, Room No. 17, of the Community Building.