The Edgemont Tribune; Nov. 29, 1944; Good news is in store for the Depot in the fact that a skating pond will be provided in the near future. The kids are already utilizing the scant ice on the creek but the new skating rink will be infinitely better.
Vol. 1 No. 1 | page 1 | Dec. 7, 1951 |
Forty persons attended an organizational meeting of the Igloo Ice Skaters Club at the Community Building Monday evening. Officers elected were: Henry Hagen, Chairman; Rosemary Kilgore, Secretary; Mr. and Mrs. David B. Kilgore and Bill Grubbs, Committee Members; Yvonne Heppner and Bob Byram, Activities Committee.
At present, the pond east of the Housing Area is being used for skating. Plans are underway for the provision of lighting and a warming house.
The committee requests that all persons skating at the pond stay within the staked-out area, refrain from leaving rubbish on the ice, and from going on the ice without skates.
Vol. 1 No. 3 | page 1 | Jan. 4, 1952 |
For a while it looked as if the weatherman was playing a practical joke on those would-be ice skaters on the post. After dishing out a generous helping of sub-zero temperatures to freeze the pond solidly he promptly covered it with a blanket of snow approximately eight inches deep. Skating was an impossiblility.
But Fate smiled a little more kindly on the dejcted followers of the ice-sports. Led by the indomitable Henry Hagen of the Post Engineers, a group volunteerred their services to clean off a suitable area for skating. Using a road patrol and following up with a road broom they cleared a circle about 300 feet in diameter.
the ice is in fair condition and is about 16 to 18 inches thick thus affording ample safety even for the heftiest of skaters. With power supplied by portable generators, the area is lighted by two 300-watt flood lights.
For the less hardy a couple of warm morning space heaters with comfortable benches alongside have been set up. During the waning days of 1951, a number of residents have been enjoying the pleasures of ice-skating. On Friday night about 30 persons came out for the fun. This was followed on Saturday by a total of more than 75 people being present during various times throughout the day.
The junior group especially recognizes the recreational value of this venture and already is planning for an ice revue. Igloo skaters indeed have been given a break.
Vol. 1 No. 47 | page 6 | Nov. 28, 1952 |
Get out those ice-skates, kids (and grown-ups too). The lake is frozen over solid enough to be pronounced safe for skating, and with continued cold weather likely to follow the sample dished out by the weather-man the first part of the week should provide fun and healthful exercise for some time to come for those Iglooites who care to risk life and limb at this popular sport of the northlands.
Henry Hagen, who was instrumental in organizing a skaters' club last year, has again led the way for another enjoyable season. Enlisting the aid of the Safety Section laying out a safe zone for skating the enthusiastic Henry was able to entice 25 to 30 skaters to test their skill Monday night. Since the casualties were rather light and with the competition offered by a high school basketball game removed it is believed a greater turn-out may be expected from here on in.
Pointing out the need for an organization to control the activities on the ice, Mr. Hagen cited the success of the group organized for that purpose last year. The Activities Committee, as it was known last year, consisted of 10 boys and 10 girls chosen from members of Jr. High and Provo High School. Functioning as a board of control that organization handled the affairs quite efficiently.
Mr. Hagen expressed hope that some interested individual would take over the reins, call an organization meeting at an early date, and proceed to carry out a well rounded program of ice-sports for the youth of the community.
Vol. 2 No. 50 | page 11 | Dec. 11, 1953 |
In a concerted effort to furnish Igloo's children and adults a safe place to skate, the PTA and Civilian Welfare Council have joined forces and have come up with an excellant plan.
The football field will be banked and flooded, there will be bleachers on which to rest, and coffee and coca will be sold.
Because of unsafe bleachers and a project to resod the field, the baseball diamond will not be used.
Members of the PTA committee are: Del Harbaugh, Henry Hagen and Marie Southworth.
Announcement of the rink's opening will be made in the daily sheet.
Vol. 5 No. 51 | page 4 | Dec. 24, 1957 |
Colonel L. R. MacAdam has authorized the utilization of the tennis court for ice skating. This will be a supervised program thru your Civilian Welfare Fund Council with Royal Odell, Recreation Director in charge. Hose and spraying equipment will be furnished by the Fire Department.
Lights are being installed and skating will be available each evening with lights out at 9 p.m. This facility will be available for private parties, by appointment at the Community Building.
(under construction)