Vol. 4 No. 21 | pages 5 & 9 | June 2, 1944 |
The first Council meeting of the BHOD Employees Welfare Association was called to order Monday evening, May 22nd, by Vice President R. J. Bohart. Letters were read from the Federal Works Agency at St. Paul, Minn., advising that applications for Child Care and Recreation facilities have been referred to the Central Office for final consideration. This was followed by a general discussion of facilities, including a bowling alley and tennis courts. A set of by-laws were drawn up and agreed upon, subject to the approval of the next general assembly. It was decided to contact Mr. H. C. Micklin for an estimate of the cost of a public address system and the improvement of the acoustics of the auditorium and Room 9. Membership dues for the Welfare Association were set at $1.00, with the understanding that dues paid the former Civic Association should be considered Welfare Association dues for 1944, and a refund will be made to all those who had paid dues but are not eligible to membership in the new organization, which is strictly limited to employees of the Depot. It was voted to print appropriate letterheads, membership cards, and check book. It was proposed to bond the President and Treasurer in the amount of $1,000 now and proportionately more later and a committee of two, consisting of L. E. Caulkins and L. E. Johnsonbaugh, was appointed to inquire about the matter and also about the status of the Post Restaurant funds. It was decided to appoint a committee to audit the books of the Civic Association which are being turned over to the Welfare Association. It was voted that a recommendation be made to the Post Signal Officer that itemized telephone bills be issued. It was decided to invite all members to attend Council Meetings. Meetings of the Council are to be held on the Wednesday before the first Thursday and on the third Wednesday of each month, in Room 4 of the Community Building. It was decided to serve coffee and doughnuts at the general meetings of the Association and Mrs. Connelly was appointed to arrange for the lunch.
Esther Farrington, Secretary.
The Edgemont Tribune; Dec. 27, 1944; Every government employee at BHOD automatically becomes a member of the Employee Welfare Association Jan. 1, 1945. No membership dues will be charged and those who have already paid their 1945 dues will have them returned.
The Edgemont Tribune; Jan. 10, 1945; Eighty-eight members of the Employee Welfare Association turned our Thursday evening for the year's most exciting election. Mr. Johnsonbaugh was chosen president by a large majority. Other officers are Ed Hoel, vice president; Esther Farrington, secretary and Harvey Millay, treasurer. Council members chosen are Frank Wilson, Walt Herbert, Charles Kelly, Lillian Nystrom, Phil Hatfield, Chief Loren J. Bingham, Art Keene and Delbert Harbaugh. A successful year is just beginning with all indications of 100% participation of the membership.
The Edgemont Tribune; April 4, 1945; The regular monthly meeting of the Employee Welfare Association will be held on Thursday evening April 5, 1945, in Room 9 of the Community building at 8 p. m. All employees and their families are urged to attend. Special business will include discussion of a community project of block or ward managership. The plan is being proposed to provide a city operation, similar to that of most communities. If you think such a plan is desirable, come and help with its organization. If you think the plan is impracticable, come and voice your objections. How can we beautify our housing area? How can we improve our living conditions? The Military Command is interested in helping us, if we take the initiative in helping ourselves.
The BHODian | page 30 | April 1945 |
The Black Hills Ordnance Depot Employee Welfare Association is an organization of all War Department employees at Black Hills Ordnance Depot authorized by Civilian Personnel Pamphlet No. 7 issued by the Secretary of War. The Association is responsible for the management and operation of all civilian functions which are normal to any community. Officers and members of the Executive Council for 1945 include: Lee E. Johnsonbaugh, President; Edward R. Hoel, Vice President; Miss Esther Farrington, Secretary; Harvey Millay, Treasurer; Loren J. Bingham, Delbert Harbaugh, Philip Hatfield, Walter Herbert, Arthur Keene, Charles Kelley, Mrs. Lillian R. Nystrom and Francis C. Wilson.
The present Employee Welfare Association is the successor to the B. H. O. D. Civic Association. The Civic Association was formed during November of 1943 with objectives similar to those of the Welfare Association. Its formation was the result of a group of employees feeling the need for an organization for social purposes. The original idea was that a group of men would organize into a Rotary, Lions, or similar service club. At the request of Colonel H. W. Keith, Commanding Officer at the time, the group broadened its objectives and membership requirements to form the Civic Association. At the organiation meeting in December, 1943, the following officers and directors were elected: Lloyd E. Caulkins, President; Austin Chandler, Vice President; William O. Freund, Secretary; Lee E. Johnsonbaugh, Treasurer; Directors: H. C. Berg, Capt. Horace D. Blocksom, E. R. Hoel, Charles Kelley, R. H. Nelson, Martin Steinlicht, Dr. Frank Bilger and Russell Bohart.
With the publication of C.P.P. No. 7, steps were taken to amend the constitution of the Civic Association to conform to the one suggested in the Pamphlet. Upon affirmative vote, the formation of the Employee Welfare Association became a reality, giving it offficial status with the War Department. The first officers and directors of the reorganized association were: Lloyd E. Caulkins, President; Russell Bohart, Vice President; Miss Esther Farrington, Secretary; Lee E. Johnsonbaugh, Treasurer; Mrs. Florence Connelly, Mrs. Ada Barnett, Mrs. Lenona Crowley, Charles Kelley, E. R. Hoel, E. Hurley, Lewis Scott and Selmar Skaar.
One of the first functions of the Employee Welfare Association was the operation of the Community Building. Employees had been furnished by the War Department. These employees were withdrawn June 1944 and the Association assumed its management and operation. Fund assistance was obtained from the Federal Works Agency to secure necessary employees with which to staff the building. Playgrounds for children were supervised during the summer and recreational and social activities were arranged. On the 14th of August 1944, the Child Care Center was opened to care for children of pre-school age whose mothers were working. Funds to operate his facility were furnished by a grant of Lanham Act Funds by the Federal Works Agency.
Vol. 1 No. 48 | page 1 | Dec. 5, 1952 |
Petitions are now being circulated to name candidates for four positions on the Civilian Welfare Council.
Any depot employee may secure a petition blank from his Division or Branch Office, for the purpose of nominating a candidate to appear on the election ballot. Twenty signatures are required. An employee may sign more than one petition.
All petitions must be in the hands of the custodian, Edgar C. Hall, Jr., at the Personnel Office, no later than 4:00 p.m. December 15.
Ballots will be prepared listing all nominees and voting will take place December 18 and 19. All depot employees are eligible to vote.
New council members will replace the following outgoing Council members: Don Thompson, President; Josephine Hutchison, Secretary; Pete Sinclair and W. W. Hipsher. Members hold office for a one-year term. Members holding over until July 1953 are Dessie Lee, William Holt and William Grubbs.
The Civilian Welfare Council administers many of the community activities here. The council is currently directing the Story Hour, Boxing classes, Bingo, Leathercraft, a Basketball League, Women's Volleyball League, and the Swimming Pool, as well as the day to day activities in the Community Building. Money for the operation of Fund activities is obtained from a percentage of the gross receipts of the concessionaires operating on the depot.
Vol. 2, No. 6 | page 2 | Feb. 6, 1953 |
The Civilian Welfare Council is to be commended for their practical approach to the difficult job of planning the future welfare program for Igloo. They placed all the issues before the depot employees and, thus, by popular vote they not only learned what Igloo people preferred but they obtained many excellent suggestions for future guidance.
Unknown to the Council, however, were two issues that could not be settled by the ballot; the roller skating rink and the project for covering the swimming pool to make it usable all year.
It was apparently assumed that the old Mess Hall (building 1400) would be made available for roller skating. However, the Council obviously didn't know that a decision had been made several months ago to use this building as a combination post engineer warehouse, heating shop, and housing warehouse. While it is true that the Mess Hall was used for recreational purposes during a period of reduced activities, the situation has changed considerably and building space is currently unusually critical. It is certainly agreed that roller skating would be an excellent addition to our recreational facilities but the possiblity of acquiring a suitable building is extremely remote at this time.
The swimming pool issue involves a slightly different problem. This too, sounds like a fine idea until you examine the probable cost of such a project. The Post Engineer estimates that a suitable structure with heating and other necessary utilities would probably cost from $50,000 to $75,000.
A look at the Welfare budget quickly reveals that a project of such scope is completely beyond their financial capabilities. What about using appropriated funds? There again, you have the matter of "first things first". Appropriated funds for essential maintenance, repair, additions, etc., are critically short. There are several projects carrying high priorities for which we have not been able to obtain money. It would be futile to consider, even for a moment, the possibility that we could justify spending this kind of money for a covered swimming pool when existing buildings and utilities are in need of extensive repairs.
Notwithstanding the above, we have a fine welfare and recreational program at Igloo and we could be in worse shape. Furthermore, the Council is showing considerable enthusiam and there is little doubt that the program will be constantly improved within the limits of financial resources.
Don't forget where your Civilian Welfare money comes from. The more you spend at Igloo the more money in your welfare fund. Almost three and one-quarter cents of every dollar you spend in Igloo is returned to your welfare fund by the Concessionaire.
Vol. 2 No. 26 | page 1 | June 26, 1953 |
Glen Amy was the "peoples choice" for Civilian Welfare Council membership last weeks' election. Amy garnered 666 votes to his nearest opponent, Robert Hansen, who received 569 votes. Running third, in the six-way race, was Milfred Arthur, with 485 votes.
All three men will serve on the Council for one year terms. They are replacing William Holt, Bill Grubbs, and Mel Cox, whose terms expire July 1, 1953.
Bill Grubbs, outgoing President, was highly elated over the number of votes cast and the interest shown in the election. Votes were cast by 922 employees, a total of 77 percent of the work force. Percentage wise, this is the largest number of ballots cast in a Civilian Welfare elecction. In the eletion held last December, 53 per cent of the employees voted.
Vol. 2 No. 26 | page 2 | June 26, 1953 |
Employees of the General Supply Division cast 193 of the total Depot ballots and with Amy selected on 163 of them, Hansen on 110, and Arthur polling 118, this block of votes was the deciding factor in naming the three new councilmen.
Storage Division's block of 149 votes also gave Amy, Hansen and Arthur the green light with Amy polling 108; Hansen 84; and Arthur, 101.
Following is the breakdown of voting by divisions:
Division or Branch | Amy | Hansen | Arthur | Lenz | Aderhold | Cronk |
Storage Division | 108 | 84 | 101 | 64 | 43 | 46 |
Stock Control | 4 | 3 | 3 | 5 | 7 | 5 |
Ammunition Inspection Office | 40 | 28 | 34 | 38 | 12 | 8 |
Fiscal Division | 11 | 12 | 4 | 13 | 15 | 2 |
General Supply Branch | 163 | 110 | 118 | 67 | 49 | 73 |
Depot Facilities | 76 | 98 | 45 | 72 | 55 | 38 |
Maintenance Branch | 74 | 99 | 53 | 41 | 22 | 56 |
Transportation Branch | 11 | 5 | 4 | 9 | 8 | 8 |
Planning Branch | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 6 | 4 |
Renovation | 83 | 45 | 46 | 45 | 12 | 22 |
Storage Admin. Office | 23 | 19 | 28 | 17 | 14 | 9 |
Salvage Branch | 7 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 7 | 2 |
Depot Property | 18 | 17 | 12 | 6 | 7 | 3 |
Administration Bldg., Floor 1 | 6 | 10 | 1 | 14 | 17 | 3 |
Administration Bldg., Floor 2 | 5 | 17 | 9 | 10 | 14 | 5 |
Provost Marshall | 21 | 2 | 16 | 14 | 16 | 8 |
U.S. Army Hospital | 3 | 6 | 4 | 7 | 9 | 1 |
Housing & Custodial Unit | 11 | 9 | 4 | 7 | 5 | 3 |
TOTALS | 666 | 569 | 485 | 435 | 318 | 293 |
Vol. 2 No. 38 | page 3 | Sept. 18, 1953 |
1. | Net Working Capital, 1 January 1953 | $ 238.74 | |||
2. | Receipts During Reporting Period | ||||
a. | Dividend Distribution from Post Restaurant | ||||
January Receipts | $2022.45 | ||||
February Receipts | 1800.57 | ||||
March Receipts | 1717.50 | ||||
April Receipts | 1856.48 | ||||
May Receipts | 1633.83 | ||||
June Receipts | 1695.07 | ||||
Total Distribution | $10,725.90 | ||||
b. | Walrus Advertising & Subscriptions | ||||
January Receipts | $226.85 | ||||
February Receipts | 425.60 | ||||
March Receipts | 157.50 | ||||
April Receipts | 460.15 | ||||
May Receipts | 790.50 | ||||
June Receipts | 504.50 | ||||
Total Walrus Receipts | $2,565.10 | ||||
c. | Other Receipts | ||||
Library Book Fines | $35.65 | ||||
Boxing Events | 228.60 | ||||
Miscellaneous | 27.48 | ||||
Total Other Receipts | $291.73 | ||||
TOTAL ALL RECEIPTS | $13,582.73 | ||||
3. | Expenditures During Reporting Period | ||||
Salaries and Wages | $7,198.58 | ||||
Publishing Walrus | 3,525.20 | ||||
Mats and Engravings | 241.63 | ||||
Walrus Supplies | 72.43 | ||||
Walrus Postage & Telephone | 138.03 | ||||
Liability Insurance | 271.05 | ||||
Library Supplies | 260.94 | ||||
Office Supplies | 28.29 | ||||
Boxing Ring & Expenses | 185.00 | ||||
Cooler for Community Bldg. | 140.00 | ||||
Trees & Shrubs for Depot | 47.50 | ||||
Record Player & Records | 13.60 | ||||
Prizes for Safety Contest | 53.50 | ||||
Leathercraft Supplies | 48.68 | ||||
Bingo Prizes | 13.94 | ||||
Athletic Supplies | 47.95 | ||||
Pool Supplies | 10.34 | ||||
Swimming Pool Supplies | 52.45 | ||||
L. Lenz, Training School Exp. | 28.00 | ||||
Miscellaneous Expenditures | 55.55 | ||||
Bank Float Charges | 4.25 | ||||
Annual Leave Increase | 344.53 | ||||
FICA Acct. No. 46-0225017 | 108.19 | ||||
Petty Cash | 32.11 | ||||
TOTAL ALL EXPENDITURES | $12,921.74 | ||||
4. | Increase During Reporting Period | $660.99 | |||
5. | Net Working Capital, 30 June 1953 | $422.25 | |||
6. | Composition of Net Worth Reported in Item 5 | ||||
ASSETS | |||||
a. | Cash on hand and in bank | $1880.53 | |||
b. | Securities and other assets | .00 | |||
TOTAL ASSETS | $1,880.53 | ||||
a. | Accounts payable | $1249.29 | |||
b. | Withholding tax payable | 168.40 | |||
c. | FICA tax payable | 40.59 | |||
TOTAL LIABILITIES | $1,458.28 | ||||
7. | Net Working Capital, 30 June 1953 | $422.25 | |||
Vol. 3 No. 1 | page 1 | Jan. 1, 1954 |
In the largest voting turn out in Civilian Welfare history, Kenneth Hertha, Charles Young, Darrell Newlin and Mary Hoel were elected by a majority vote which saw 84 percent of the employees casting ballots.
The mark fell short of the 90 percent participation which retiring Council President Torkelson had hoped for, but bettered by seven percent the last election's figure.
The new members take office today. Kenneth Hertha, whose term expired yesterday, was re-elected by a landslide vote, being named on 723 of the 908 ballots cast. Homer Johnson, Jim Rickard and Lloyd Torkelson were not running for re-election, and went out of office at the end of the year.
Complete election returns were as follow: Herth, 723; Young, 679; Newlin, 655; Hoel, 649; Penor, 559; and Marasco, 364.
The Walrus | pgs. 1 & 5 | July 25, 1957 |
Under the sponsorship of the Civilian Welfare Council and ably directed by Royel Odell, recreational director, a full scale recreation program for youngsters and adults of Igloo, is proving highly successful this summer.
A variety of recreation is being offered including:
Classes for all ages. At the present time there are 15 students in the adult classes, and a total of 153 in the various children classes, including 65 in beginners, 60 in intermediate, and 28 in the advanced class. Open swimming is available to all residents of Igloo from 2:00 to 6:00, and swimming in the evenings for adults only is now available from 7 to 9 p.m., Saturday through Wednesday of each week. There will be a combined swimming meet held here on 18 August, which will include all Scouts in the Black Hills plus swimmers from Newcastle and Lusk. Swimming classes are conducted by Terry Hutchinson and Yvonne Grubbs.
Lessons are being given each Monday and Thursday. Instructions are open to both boys and girls and be (sic) been attended by 10 to 20 children each period. Instruction is under the supervision of Jimmy Hipsher.
Girls softball practice games are held each Monday and Wednesday morning. Number attending has ranged from six to 30. Russell Bohart is acting as supervisor for this activity.
Midget baseball for boys 12 years and under is participated in by from 50 to 60 boys. From this number one off-base team has been selected, and their record at present in one win and two losses. All players participate in the four-team Igloo league, Royel Odell, Jimmy Hipsher and Russell Bohart act as instructors for this group.
Junior-Junior baseball for the boys 15 years or under has been playing a full schedule of games with surrounding communities. They have four wins and four losses recorded to date, which includes two one run losses to Hot Springs. Royel Odell and Dean Sampsell act as coaches for the team.
In the adult recreation, a men's Softball League consisting of four teams play two evenings each week. The teams include Buck Young's Hot Shots, Bill Cordry's Cast Off's, Chuck Dibble's Edgemont All-Stars and McGills Mine Development Crushers.
Two ladies Softball teams play one night each: Ellen Schweitzer's Iglooites and Betty Plumb's Edgemont Gals.
It is interesting to note that the entire program is financed through percentages of the gross receipts of the Concessionairies activities at BHOD. About two percent of every dollar spent at igloo concessions finds its way to the fund where it is used for the benefit of the community.
CWC members: June, 1954: outgoing members; Robert Hansen, pres.; Glen Amy; Milfred Arthur: hold overs; Mary Hoel; Darrell Newlin; Kenneth Hertha; Charles Young, pres.: new members; Odean Olson; Bernard "Dutch" Boltz; Howard "Skippy" Zink.