BHODian | page 1 | April 1945 |
The first news on the Depot was disseminated by a weekly publication called Black Hills News, printed by the publishers of the Hot Springs Evening Star, issued each Thursday and distributed to the workers on the Project. The first number was dated July 2, 1942, and the last one in the files is September 10th of the same year. These papers were filled with news of the Project, which was then in the process of construction.
The next paper was the Provo Peeper, a little mimeographed magazine produced on the Depot. The first issue is dated July 4, 1942, and the editor was Helen Morganti of the Administrative Division. The second issue of the paper has the interesting statement that any "suggestions, additions or cussations" may be heaped on the backs of the staff, who will in turn "dump them on Mary McDonald ('Maizie,' if you don't mind) of Ellerbe and Company, the original instigator of this rag." Maizie is now working for Ordnance in the service Branch. The Provo Peeper appeared weekly until October 14, 1942, when Miss Morganti left the Depot. The paper was then taken over by Special service under Capt. Blocksom, under the editorship of Mary Robinson. The first issue was unnamed, but the second bore the present title, Igloo Magazine, a name suggested by Capt. London. Mary Robinson continued to edit it until she left the depot, after the issue of February 26, 1943. Archer B. Gilfillan was the appointed editor and has continued in that capacity up to the present time.
On August 1, 1943, the Igloo Magazine, in common with all other Ordnance Depot papers in the country, suspended publication by Government order, to conserve paper and man-power. It remained in this state until January 14, 1944, when it was revived under the auspices of the Employee Welfare Association. After continuing for some time under these conditions, it became more or less the official paper of the Depot. At one time it had an extremely handsome cover, the selection of Lt. Col. Ralph Bell Scott, with the picture of one of our igloos and printed in Ordnance colors, giving it an extremely attractive appearance. War-time economy prevents the use of such a cover at the present time, and the size of the paper is limited to ten pages.
Black Hills News | Provo Peeper | Igloo Magazine |
The BHODian | Igloo A History | The Walrus |
Edgemont Tribune | Hot Springs Evening Star | Rapid City Journal |
The Provo Project | ||