We present - The first issue of "The BHODian," written and copiled by the civilian employees of The Black Hills Ordnance Depot, and sponsored by the Employee Welfare Association.
Situated at the foot of the Black Hills, the name Black Hills Ordnance Depot implies the name, location, and the mission of the Depot; and from the letters BHOD, we took the name "BHODian."
The first sight to meet the visitor's eye is the civilian town of B.H.O.D. - IGLOO. Nestled among the hilly, rugged slopes on typical western grazing land, this unique community, whose inhabitants have come from nearly every state in the Union, and from all walks of life, presents a colorful cosmopolitan scene.
The first edition of The BHODian gives the reader a history of this gigantic undertaking from its inception to the present time. Gigantic because not only was a supply Depot for war materials to be built, but a small city as well - this is Igloo - the home of the BHODians. Pictures and stories give a vivid portrayal of the work of the builders through the construction period. What has been accomplished within the span of three short years remains as a monument to their labor and industry. All this with but one prime purpose - to build and make ready a Supply Depot for the tools and equipment with which GI Joe is winning the war, on world scattered battle-fronts.
We are fortunate and proud to point out within the covers of this publication the man advantages we possess; for we not only work here, we live here - and enjoy the living.
We sincerely trust that you will find The BHODian a valuable momento of your life at Igloo, and that you will enjoy it as much as we have enjoyed writing and compiling it.
Richard H. Peck . . . . . . . . . . Assistant Editor | Axel W. Hultgren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Photographer |
Luvine Berg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Art Editor | Lee Johnsonbaugh . . . . . . . . . . Business Manager |
Archer Gilfillan . . . . . . . . . . . . Literary Editor | Jack Lanter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sales Manager |
........... | Helen S. Thompson | Dr. Frank Bilger | Rueben Nelson |
Herman Metz | Mrs. Lloyd Caulkins | Maryann Tucker | |
Chief L. J. Bingham | Bernice Necklace | Millie E. Roth | |
Assistant Chief M. E. Hadwick | Roma Beach | Archer Gilfillan | |
Enoch Stienecker | Janna Jensen | Capt. Alfred H. Schroeder | |
William J. Richer | Harris Geary | Art Keene | |
Harvey Hanson | Julia Brigham |
Vol. 1 No. 51 | page 1 | Dec. 26, 1952 |
In 1945 an informative brochure called the BHODian was compiled and published about the Black Hills Ordnance Depot. It contained pictures and written matter about the Depot and how it was founded. Activities like the Square Dance Club, the Little Theatre group, and the BHOD Band, Scouts, etc., were written up with appropriate photos. In all the BHODian served the prupose of recording the Depot history and providing a permanent momento for employees of the "good old days" when Igloo was growing into the community it has now become.
There is much sentiment now for the publication of a new BHODian to cover the time since 1945. Many changes have occured since those hectic days, and BHOD has grown to meet the demands placed upon it by the Korean emergency. It has been modernized, new clubs and activities have sprung into being, turnover has replaced most of the old faces of 1945, and it is altogether appropriate that the BHODian have its face lifted.
The problem in the path of publishing a new BHODian is two-fold: First, a steering committee will have to be organized and interested persons recruited to perform the spade-work necessary to whip an issue together. Second, a list of subscribers will have to be prepared so that the expenses of publication can be defrayed.
To clear these problems a meeting of interested persons will be held in the Community Building, at 7:30 p.m., Monday, January 5, 1953. Copies of the old BHODian will be on hand for interested persons to inspect. If you are not able to be there, tell your friends. The larger the turnout, the better will be the 1953 BHODian. Igloo is your community. Let the BHODian be your publication.
Vol. 2 No. 3 | page 2 | Jan. 16, 1953 |
Plans for the publication of the Igloo Handbook to be called "The BHODian" were underway. Of the committee sponsoring the project Axel Hultgren is still employed here.