Igloo Magazine



First issue; October 30, 1942.

Editor: Mary Robinson; Illustrator: Fred Morgan; Reporters: Frances Hulm - Identification; Maizie McDonald - Inspection; Bill Eide - Engineering; Virginia Robertson - Terteling.

March 26, 1943.

Commanding Officer: Col. Hubert W. Keith; Editor: Archer B. Gilfillan; Illustrator: H.H. Anderson, Orla Renner; Mimeograph: Dick Beckfield

May 28, 1943.

There is an acknowledgement that should have been made long ago. We are indebted for the handsome new Igloo cover to our Executive Officer, Lt. Col. Ralph Cook Scott. It was he who ordered the cover and selected the design for it. Everyone who enjoys the appearance of the magazine will wish to thank him. The baby may not always be well behaved, but it will always be well dressed.

1943 issues;

March 26, May 28, July 23
VOL. IV May 5, 1944 NO. 17




Guard Section Paul F. Foss
Mail and Records Arlene Glasner
MP's Larry Abbey
Operations Group Dorothy Hubbard & Jeane James
Pay Roll Florence Hoppes
Personals Mrs. Lois Daniels
Personnel Mrs. Marie George
Post Engineers Gladys Johnson & Ruby Addington
Post Hospital Noi Willcockson
Associate Editor Julia E. Brigham
Editor Archer B. Gilfillan

VOL. IV JUNE 16, 1944 NO. 23



Adminstrative Division: Carolyn Trask
     Administrative Branch Nadine Veren
     Communications Branch Arlene Blasner
     Depot Property Branch Ada Barnett
     Procurement Branch Betty Carlson
     Security Branch Paul Foss
     Service Branch Florence Connelly
     Training Branch L. E. Caulkins
Control Branch Irene L. Lott
Fiscal Division Lenore Franklin
Maintenance Division Helen Hanse
Personnel Division: Marie George
     Civilian Personnel Branch Lois Daniels & Ruth Knapp
     Medical Branch Stella Parks & Noi Willcockson
     Military Personnel Branch Crystal McCarthy
Stock Control Division Cecilia Hiermeier
Storage Division Vera Rice
     Cycle Inventory Branch Herman Metz
     Labor and Equipment Branch Dora Steinlicht
     Packing and Shipping Branch Elva May Herdman
     Receiving Branch Laura Lewis
     Storekeeping Branch Doris Saubers
Transportation Division Margaret Sheehan
Utilities Division Ruby Addington
     Fire Prevention Branch Hyacinth Cornelius
     Maintenance and Repair Branch Elizabeth Hartman
     Management Branch Gladys Johnson
     Utilities Branch Frances Posvar
Supervisory Editor Lt. Wayne R. Johnson
Associate Editor Julia E. Brigham
Editor Archer B. Gilfillan

1946 issues;

March 1, May 10,

Edgemont Tribune; Aug. 6, 1947; Igloo Magazine discontinued.

The Igloo Magazine; XI-5; Aug. 1, 1947, page 3

This is the last issue of the Igloo Magazine. The Welfare Fund Council, which of late has supported the Igloo, faced with ever-increasing responsibilities and a shrinking income, has been obliged to abandon the Depot magazine. In addition, there is some question of a machine to run the paper off on, and this added to the financial pressure, had brought about the decision. The Command is not now nor has been unfavorable towards the paper, and the BHOD workers like it, judging from their complaints when they do not get it. It is simply the force of circumstances that has brought about the discontinuance. The Igloo Magazine is a casualty, not of war, but of peace.

The publication on this Depot has had a spotted career. The first attempt was the Black Hills Weekly, published by the Hot Springs Star and distributed free to Depot workers. Its first issue was dated July 3, 1942. This was succeeded by the Provo Peeper, published by the Public Relations Office of the Depot, and on the abolition of that office, the paper was taken over by the Ordnance department. Its name was significant, for most of its items were of the keyhole, "Who seen Who with Whom" variety. Later a more dignified name was desired and a contest was held, the present name being proposed by Capt. London, then Executive Officer. In July 1943, in the interests of economy, papers at all military installations were discontinued; and as the deadline was to be August 1st, there was a grand rush to get in that edition, with the result that that issue was 37 pages long. In January 1944 the prohibition was lifted, but the papers were strictly limited as to size, 10 pages as we have it today.

The Igloo has always maintained, and repeatedly stressed the point, that here in this isolated community we are in effect one family, working for one employer and with a common aim. This aim is not that which it was during the war, but the aim, "the mission of the Depot," is still here. We are one family and what hurts one of us hurts all of us. We are one family and we share each other's griefs and partake of one another's joys. The friendliness which exixts at this Depot, which has been repeatedly commented on by newcomers, is simply this spirit working out in practice. That is the message the Igloo would leave.

The Igloo Magazine could not discontinue without thanking those that have made it possible, and that means first of all the reporters. To their unselfish, unrewarded efforts should go all praise. It is impossible to list them, for in the 4-year stretch their names would cover the rest of this page. But we cannot for bear mention of the dean of them all, Paul Foss. Perhaps never have we had as faithful and fruitful a band of them as we have at present. To them, thanks.

We are also indebted to all our contributors, whether of travelogues or otherwise. Again, we have to mention one name Rueben Nelson, whose travelogue is completed in this issue. Time and again we have called on Rueben for help and he has never failed us. To him also, thanks.

But one individual to whom the Igloo owes a great deal is Julia Brigham, whose art work has brightened its pages for more than three years. But the Igloo has carried her poems and prose pieces as well. For she is an artist in many mediums. To her, particular thanks.

As for this writer, he didn't want the job of editor in the first place but took it because it was assigned to him; but he has come to love it as he has no other job he has ever held. His one consolation is that in leaving the Igloo Magazine, he does not have to leave Igloo itself. For that he is profoundly grateful.

(Archie Gillfillan)


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