Edgemont Tribune; March 13, 1946
Last Sunday the water was experimentally turned into the new swimming pool north of the theater and two Igloo boys, Ronald Hagen and Jimmie Jones, braved the weather and tried it out, which is pretty good for March 3. Ronald was the first to hit the water. He dived three times and reported "no bottom." That early swim betokens a good time for a lot of other boys and girls later on, to say nothing of the "grownups."
Edgemont Tribune; July 28, 1948; Dick Murdy - lifeguard; Harriet Bennett, check room attendant; operated by Civilian Welfare Fund.
Vets Club paid for children under 15 years of age for several days.
Walrus; June 4, 1954; Dean Forbord - lifeguard; pool operated by Civilian Welfare Fund Council.
Vol. 2 No. 6 | page 2 | Feb. 6, 1953 |
The Civilian Welfare Council is to be commended for their practical approach to the difficult job of planning the future welfare program for Igloo. They placed all the issues before the depot employees and, thus, by popular vote they not only learned what Igloo people preferred but they obtained many excellent suggestions for future guidance.
Unknown to the Council, however, were two issues that could not be settled by the ballot; the roller skating rink and the project for covering the swimming pool to make it usable all year.
It was apparently assumed that the old Mess Hall (building 1400) would be made available for roller skating. However, the Council obviously didn't know that a decision had been made several months ago to use this building as a combination post engineer warehouse, heating shop, and housing warehouse. While it is true that the Mess Hall was used for recreational purposes during a period of reduced activities, the situation has changed considerably and building space is currently unusually critical. It is certainly agreed that roller skating would be an excellent addition to our recreational facilities but the possibiliy of accquiring a suitable building is extremely remote at this time.
The swimming pool issue involves a slightly different problem. This too, sounds like a fine idea untl you examine the probable cost of such a project. The Post Engineer estimates that a suitable structure with heating and other necessary utilities would probably cost from $50,000 to $75,000.
A look at the Welfare budget quickly reveals that a project of such scope is completely beyond their financil capabitities. What about using appropriated funds? There again, you have the matter of "first things first". Appropriated funds for essential maintenance, repair, additions, etc., are critically short. There are several projects carrying high priorities for which we have not been able to obtain money. It would be futile to consider, even for a moment, the possibility that we could justify spending this kind of money for a covered swimming pool when existing buildings and utilities are in need of extensive repairs.
Notwithstanding the above, we have a fine welfare and recreational program at Igloo and we could be in worse shape. Furthermore, the Council is showing considerable enthusiansm and there is little doubt that the program will be constantly improved within the limits of financial resources.
Don't forget where your Civilian Welfare money comes from. The more you spend at Igloo the more money in your welfare fund. Almost three and one-quarter cents of every dollar you spend in Igloo is returned to your welfare fund by the Concessionaire.
Vol. 2 No. 25 | pages 1 and 8 | June 19, 1953 |
Definite plans have been made for opening the swimming pool on Monday June 22, according to LeRoy Lenz, Recreational Director and pool manager.
The Civilian Welfare Fund is currently sponsoring a "learn to swim" program which will include all Igloo children from eight year olds through high school age. Classes will be held for beginners, and intermediate swimmers. Enrollment blanks were availbable to children at the Community Building this week.
Dean Forbord, swimming instructor and life guard said he hoped to have a class of about 60. The first week instructions will be from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. After that it will be held during the morning hours. It was changed the first week to the later hour, Lenz said, to accommodate the daily vacation Bible school group meeting during the morning hours.
During the week of June 22, the pool will be open for general swimming at 2:30 p.m., and will stay open until 6:00 p.m. Beginning June 28, swimming classes will be held from 9:00 a.m. to noon on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday of each week. After noon hours for general swimming will be from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., every day except Wednesday. The pool will be drained and cleaned on that day.
Lenz said that increased emphasis this year would be placed on operating a safe swimming season. To this end he said horseplay in any form would not be tolerated in the change house or in the pool. For safety's sake, inner tubes, balls and other inflated pool toys will not be permitted in the large pool. Small fry using the wading pool will be permitted to use inflated toys unless there are so many that congestion results and it becomes unsafe.
Assisting at the pool will be Dick Parson and Community Building hostesses who will be in charge of the change house.
Vol. 2 No. 26 | pages 1 and 2 | June 26, 1953 |
Registry for swimming lessons shot up to 184 this week as classes for Igloo neophytes got under way Wednesday afternoon.
The beginning class has been the biggest drawing card, with 119 children enrolled. The intermediate class has 52 students, and 13 boys and girls are enrolled in the advanced group. Starting next week, swimming classes will be held in the morning from 9:00 a.m. until noon, at the local pool.
Because of the large number of children enrolled, Pool Manager, LeRoy Lenz said each child would receive two lessons per week on consecutive days. It had originally been hoped that each child could receive four lessons per week but due to the number of children, this will not be possible.
Dean Forbord, Swimming Instructor and Lifeguard, has plans afoot to give lessons of thirty minutes duration. Because of the tight schedule, one class will be dressing while the others are in the pool. There will be a ten minnute interval between classes.
"Schedules and names of students to attend each class will be posted today or tomorrow on the Bulletin Board at the Community Building." Forbord said.
The 'Learn to Swim Program' is under the joint sponsorship of the Civilian Welfare Fund and the Fall River County Chapter of the American Red Cross. Under the American Red Cross system of teaching, which follows a definite pattern, students are not permitted to begin lessons unless they have completed a physical examination. In addition, it will be necessary for them to register and secure their parents' consent before their first lesson. Information on both subjects can be secured from the hostesses at the Community Building.
Vol. 2 No. 28 | page 1 | July 10, 1953 |
According to LeRoy Lenz, swimming pool manager, the local plunge has proved to be a popular haven for young and old during the past two weeks.
Swimming classes under the instruction of Dean Forbord, liveguard and instructor, have occupied the morning hours of about one hundred Igloo youngsters. The number who have actually received instruction however, is somewhat smaller than the enrollment. Forbord attributes this to family vacations. Attendance and progress reports are being maintained and certificates, issued by the Red Cross, will be given to the swimmers who satisfactorily complete their swimming course.
During the past week the pool has been open from 6 to 8 p.m. for the benefit of adults who work during the day. The turn-out so far has been disappointing, compared to the interest professed to Cililian Welfare Council members by depot workers shortly after the pool opened in June. Lloyd Torkelson, Council president, said the pool would remain open in the evenings for a week or two longer to see if the interest increases. If not, it would again be closed at 6 p.m.
Vol. 2 No. 31 | page 3 | July 31, 1953 |
At the Depot's very deluxe "swimmin' hole", kids of various ages are swimming students under the able instructions of Dean Forbord. The beautiful pool, operated by the Civilian Welfare Council, is a natatorial bee-hive of activity these days with youngsters in beginner's, intermediate and advanced classes splashing their way to swimming perfection. Watching little Linda Hauck getting the fundamentals of aquatic art are Karen Catlett, fartherest to the left, and then, going clockwise; Joyce Ritchey, Mary Ann Burns, Banje Segura, Janice Benoist, Mary LaPlant, Sally Benoist, Carol Eining, Kay Gibson, Norma Sears, Mary Schmaltz, Karen Breen, Barbara Schmaltz, Bonita Stuen, Helen Kapp, Geraldine Kautz, Betty Roberts, D. Wicker, Norma Nelson, Patty Plumb and Kay Strange. With backs to the camera are Judy Heer, Betty Bryant and Helen Barney. Completing the circle are Marie Wicker and Lucky Shepherd.
Vol. 5 No. 32 | page 1 | Aug. 8, 1957 |
ADVANCED SWIMMERS and members of swimming team are reading left to right;
Gwenda Iverson, Patsy Ludington, Bonita Stuen, Jenny Schoch, Barbara Schmaltz and Karen Breen.
All are members of the swimming team. - - -
Vol. 2 No. 35 | page 1 | Aug. 28, 1953 |
Eighty-four local aquatic-minded youngsters received proficiency certificates in swimming last Sunday at the local pool.
The Learn to Swim Program under the sponsorship of the Civilian Welfare Council was termed a huge success by Lloyd Torkelson, Council President.
All classes were under the supervision of Dean Forbord, Red Cross licensed swimming instructor and pool life guard. In the beginners class 56 boys and girls received certificates denoting satisfactory completion of the course. In the intermediate class 28 were awarded certificates.
Over one hundred local residents looked on with approval as the students gave an exhibition of progress during the summer. Each class went through an abbriviated series of exercises covering the course content. Lino Olivas, Barbara Hoffman and Ernest Schneider gave an exhibition of diving from the low board to complete the afternoon's entertainment.
(under construction)