Vol. 1 No. 47 | page 1 | Nov. 28, 1952 |
Lester Anderson, has agreed to teach a class in leathercraft work, sponosred by the Civilian Welfare Fund. Classes began last week. Adults as well as grade and high school children are invited to attend.
Ther will be no charge for the lessons and the Civilian Welfare Fund is supplying the leather for the first project, a bill fold. Leather for other projects will be supplied at cost to the students.
Anderson taught leathercraft work to CCC workers during the thirties and has a full set of tools secured for students. Classes are held Monday nights beginning at 6:30 p.m. Additional students are needed to complete the class.
Vol. 2 No. 3 | page 2 | Jan. 16, 1953 |
The Leather Craft Classes are progressing very nicely. The class has been divided. The children's class meets on Tuesday night at 6:30 p.m. The adult class is held on Thursday night at 6:30 p.m. Some nice work has been turned out by members of the class. New students are welcomed, according to Lester Anderson, who is class instructor.
Bingo for grade school children is - - -
To Clubs and Other Groups
It is requested that - - -
Vol. 2 No. 45 | page 4 | Nov. 6, 1953 |
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Our leather and other supplies have arrived so Leather Craft wil start Tuesday November 3, 6:30 to 8:30 for grade school youngsters and again Thursday November 5, for adults.
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Vol. 3 No. 3 | page 6 | Jan. 15, 1954 |
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The leathercraft class has been doing quite a business in small coin purses. First it was the teenagers that liked them. Now the adults have taken an interest in them and are making them for themselves and as gifts.
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(under construction)