Vol. 2 No. 26 | page 1 | June 26, 1953 |
The birdies were singing about this time for "Killer" McBee, of Ellsworth Air Force Base, who was unceremoniously dumped to the canvas by a lightning-fast left hook to the well-known kisser. The perpetrator of this violent display of affection for his guest was Lino Olivas, Igloo's (and South Dakota's, too) own champion. It was the feature event on a big fight card recently held at the Community Center. The third man in the ring is Ernie Heppner who, at one time, swung some pretty potent punches himself in the "squared circle".
Vol. 2 No. 34 | page 1 | Aug. 21, 1953 |
LeRoy Lenz took his Civilian Welfare - sponsored boxing team to Bayard, Nebraska, last Thursday and his young charges clouted their way to a sweeping victory over some sad but enlightened cornhuskers.
These young lads, comparative tyro in this cauliflower industry, took six out of seven bouts and the single loss was a close one. Mentor Lenz has had remarkable results with his pugilistic proteges and there will undoubtedly be some fancy fight cards here this winter.
The bouts were held in the open at the Bayard City Park and highlighted the town's Fall Festival. Fans at the Nebraska city were so impressed that LeRoy has received a letter from promoter Argall Warren asking for a return engagement on the 7th and 8th of September.
The winning boxers, and their weights, were: Norman Wilson, 88; Lino Olivas, 122; Glen Three Stars, 155; Johnnie Bear, 111; Ted White Eyes, 134; who won on a TKO and Billy Giago, 116, whose atomic punch put his opponent in dreamland. Bill Krantz, 126, lost a close decision. Leo Bush, 157, didn't fight as no opponent could be found to swap haymakers with him.
Lenz and Bill Kranz chauffered the boys in the 163 mile trip, and Frank Ecoffey accompanied the lads as second.
Vol. 2 No. 47 | pages 1 and 2 | Nov. 20, 1953 |
Promoter LeRoy Lenz put on a great show for the United Charities Jamboree at the gym Saturday night and the lads of all sizes and descriptions pummeled each other with gusto - all for sweet charity.
A big crowd watched the nine exciting bouts, climaxed by a masterful exhibition of boxing skill and punching prowess put on by Lino Olivas while taking a unanimous decision from Blue Horse of Rapid City.
In the semi-final Norman Wilson was pitted against Eugene Peterson and won the unanimous nod of the judges, Stub Bohart and Red Holst, and the referee, Joe Marsh.
Another exciting bout was the fight between Billy Krantz and Sam Balsley of the Rapid City American Legion. Krantz gave the visitor a series of boxing lessons for three rounds.
The crowd got a big kick out of the initial bout when the Nygaard and Balliet tots plastered each other and smiled through it all.
Other bouts were: Warner Calvert and Roger Sager, a draw; Roger Wright and Paul Dappen with Paul getting the decision; Tony Hawthorne won from Roger Fryett; Larry Nelson decisioned Dicky Coen and Gill Ecoffey got the nod over Don Reeves.
Vol. 5 No. 14 | page 4 | April 4, 1957 |
John Hipsher, Bob Jacobs, Larry Lathrop and Denny Turnquist all of Igloo scored victories in boxing matches sponsored by the Civilian Welfare Fund in the Community Building here Saturday night. Hipsher, 74 pounder, picked up a split decision over Dick Lolley, Edgemont; Jacobs, 65 pounder, split decision over Brian Lolley, Edgemont; L. Lathrop, 70 pounder, defeated Tito Arguello, Rapid City, via a decision and Denny Turnquist won a decision over White Cloud of Rapid City in a real crowd pleaser. This was a rematch, with White Cloud having won the first match at Rapid City.
Royal Odell presented trophies to all victors and medals to losers. The Igloo team was trained by former Sioux City champ, Lino Olivas, - - - Jack Roth and Frank Sylvester handled the Edgemont boys - - -
Other results: - - - 147 - Noble LaCroix (Rapid City) dec Roger Fryett (Igloo): - - -
Vol. 5 No. 16 | page 1 | April 18, 1957 |
Local boxers will be in Rapid City tonight appearing on the American Legion amateur card.
The locals have a 10 won seven lost record so far this year. The seven making the trip are in the lighter weights. Henry LeBeau, 105 pound runner-up in the West River State Amateur Paperweight Division will see action according to coach, Lino Olivas. Others making the trip include Larry Lathrop, 70 pounds; Bobby Jacobs, 65 pounds; John Hipsher, 75 pounds; Joe Jacobs, 110 pounds and Dennis Turnquist, 85 pounds. Turnquist will be re-matched with White Cloud of Rapid City in what should be a crowd pleaser. They have split a pair of fights so far this season.
The local team has been sponored by the Civilian Welfare Fund. Olivas has a 4-1 win team record since he began coaching here this year.