Vol. 2 No. 31 | page 1 | July 31, 1953 |
After commanding BHOD for the past two years, Colonel H. G. Hamilton will relinquish his command of the Depot in August and assume his new duties with the Far East Command in October. He will be succeeded by Col. Paul N. Wickens who, for the past three years, has been commanding officer of the Kansas Ordnance Plant at Parsons, Kansas, a post once held by Col. Hamilton in 1949 and 1950.
Col. Hamilton, who holds a BS degree from Iowa State, is a native Iowan and started his military carier in 1925 with the National Guard, in his home town of Des Moines. He became a cavalry officer in 1929 and after nine years in the colorful but fast-diminishing service, became an ordnance officer in 1937.
Col. Hamilton has had extensive training and experience in ordnance and has held such important posts as adjuntant at the Savanna Ordnance depot, 1941; Ordnance Staff Officer in the office of Chief of Ordnance, Washington, D. C., for four years; and Executive Officer at the Toole Ordnance Depot, Utah, from 1945 to 1947. He was a Battalion Commander and later, Deputy Theatre Ordnance Officer in the Carribean Command under Generals Ridgeway and Crittenberger from, 1947 to late in 1949. He became commanding officer of the Kansas Ordnance Plant following his tour of duty at the Canal Zone.
Following a course at the Command and General Staff College at Ft. Leavenworth, Col. Hamilton took over the BHOD command in July 1951.
During his years of service in Ordnance, the Colonel as been quite active in developing ordnance material and has written numerous magazine articles on engineering and allied subjects.
In addition to his United States military decorations and campaign medals, Col. Hamilton received the coveted Most Excellent Order of the British Empire for his service to England during World War II, and this signal homor was conferred by King George the VI.
A great believer in the theory that a commanding officer must know and have an interest in the problems of the people in his command and should be available to all employees, Col. Hamilton has frequently shown this interest in many material ways.
Mrs. Hamilton daughter Judy, 14, and son Andrew, 17, will accompany the colonel to southern California where the family will make their home until they can rejoin the colonel overseas.
Vol. 3 No. 28 | page 2 | July 9, 1954 |
On their recent trip to the West Coast, the Sidney Finkels visited with Mrs. Homer G. Hamilton at 129 Granada, San Clemente, Calif., and learned that Mrs. Hamilton, daughter Judy, and son Andrew plan to sail for Japan, the latter part of this month, to join the Colonel.
Colonel Hamilton, former commanding officer at the depot is now stationed in Korea.
Mrs. Hamilton told Sid she would like to hear from her Depot friends.
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