(original in the Helen McGee Collection at the Hot Springs Public Library)
It is again that time of the year when those of us with jobs, and homes, think of those less fortunate and gladly dig down that we may have a part in helping the "needy." There is no charity about subscribing to the Red Cross Fund. Subscription to this cause is, in a way, insurance. That such an organized fund exists assures all of us that, should disaster strike in our vicinity or in any other part of our land, those stricken by fire, flood, earthquakes or whatever other catastrophe will receive proper care.
The Red Cross Drive here at Igloo is to be sponsored by the Business and Professional Women's Club under the direction of Miss Ward. Following is a list of the various departments and agencies here at Igloo and the names of the individuals responsible for the Drive in each department. Should you not be contacted, notify your foreman or Miss Ward at 23.
Post Engineers, Janna Jensen and Florence Connelly
School: High School, Miss Brown; Grades, Miss Hajek and Mrs. Jennewin
Administrative Division, Alma Barrett, Blossom Mason, Ada Barnett
Service Branch, Mrs. Mabel Anderson
Security Branch (including Fire Department), Leona Enskat
Stock Control and Transportation, Frances Lundeen
Medical, Pearl Muckler
Payroll, Personnel and Fiscal, Mrs. Adams
Maintenance, Storage and Surveillance, Marie George and Myrtle Conger
Depot Service Organizations, such as Filling Station, Post Office, Beauty Parlor, Trading Post, Barber Shop, Cleaners, Shoe Shop, Restaurant, Bowling Alley, Beer Parlor, etc., Mrs. David Anderson and Mrs. Jewell Joslyn
Our quota here at Igloo has been placed at One Thousand Dollars. Let's Go!