(original in the Helen McGee Collection at the Hot Springs Public Library)
A letter was received this week from Colonel Jerome D. Cambre, who reports that he is stationed just outside Manila and had the good fortune to meet his son there and spend a few hours with him. He also found several other officers there with whom he worked at Letterkenny before coming to BHOD. His headquarters is at the Country Club and he is living in a tent, but meals are served at the Club with "excellent food and service, which includes polished silver and long-stemmed goblets." He works 6 1/2 hours per day with Saturday afternoon and Sunday off.
SEEN IN HOT SPRINGS ON SATURDAY --- Captain and Mrs. Vincent W. Rasper, Captain and Mrs. David Goltman, Lt. and Mrs. August A. Boelter.
Lt. Marjorie E. Hosler has returned from leave.
Lt. Peterson left this week for Albert Lea Minnesota after receiving word that her mother is ill.
Lt. Col. Samuel M. Fletcher has been absent from the office two days this week because of a sore throat and a slight case of flu.
Lt. and Mrs. August A Boelter entertained Lt. and Mrs. Melvin Sulser and Mikey and Mary Nelson at dinner on Saturday evening.
Major Tex Davis has returned from temporary duty in St. Paul, Minnesota.
Lt. and Mrs. Harold H. Leeper took advantage of the three-day holiday by driving up into the Hills for the week end. They visited Deadwood and Rapid City.
The Business andProfessional Women held their regular business meeting Monday evening, following a dinner at the Post Restaurant. The following officers were elected to serve for the ensuing year: President, Marie George; Vice President, Alma Barrett; Recording Secretary, Marjory Jennewein; Corresponding Secretary, Florence Connelly; Treasurer, Pearl Muckeler. These officers will be installed March 13th, when the Club will enjoy a visit from its State President of the B & PW. The Club will be formally presented with its charter at that time. As entertainment features last Monday night, Mrs. Jennewein sang, accompanied by Mrs. Beltz, and Mrs. Jewell Joslyn gave humorous reading.
The next general meeting of the Depot veterans is to be held Wednesday evening, March 6th, at 7:30 P.M. in Room 3 of the Community Building. The purpose of this meeting is to elect and install permanent officers for the Ex-Servicemen's Club, as well as to establish by-laws to govern its activities.
This meeting is to be held at the request of 155 veterans who attended a mass meeting held February 20th, at which it was decided that an Ex-Servicemen's Club should be formed for purpose of recretion and enjoyment of all BHOD veterans.
The Sunshine Extension Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Alice Addington, House 260, on Wednesday, March 6th. The book review will be given by Mrs. Johson Holt.
Alfred J. Hein, Past Commander of the local Post of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, returned from the Battle Mountain Sanitariam on Monday, February 18th. He had gone to the BMS for treatment on January 8th and is much improved.