(original in the Helen McGee Collection at the Hot Springs Public Library)
Personnel is glad to welcome back Mr. Homer Berg, who has just returned from a tour of service with the Navy. He is taking over the duties of Training Instructor. (The Navy was never like this!)
Eleanor Wies returned from 2-weeks' emergency annual leave, and was greeted with a chorus of "Gee, I'm glad you're back."
Frances Adams spent the week end in Rapid City, and returned with a new pair of glasses. Now she claims she feels two feet taller in them, and can spot an error in a Form 50 from a distance of 20' - what won't they think of next??
Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. B. George (Frenchy to you) and daughter spent the week end in Rapid City and Deadwood. Visiting, Marie???
The Riley Connelly's, Raymond Brownlee's and Bruce Davis's had a session of bridge at the M. D. Whaley's - and during the course of the evening, the word "skonk" was not mentioned. However, the writer refuses to mention any names.
Lt. Leeper is now dividing his time between the Adjuntant's Office and this Division. And, sorry to state, it is believed Personnel is getting the "Short End" of the deal. However, commuting distance is short, and liaison work is interesting.
Monica Hand was called to her home in Armour, S. Dak., due to the serious illness of her nephew. She returned Monday and we are glad to report her nephew is progressing favorably.
Let's see who did what with their three days' vacation. Such wonderful weather and everyone getting spring fever, we should stir up something. A few stated the didn't do anything --- Hmmm --- that isn't the way I heard it.
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Veren left for Newcastle and Belle Fourche Thursday night. They report a very nice trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brigham went to Rapid City Saturday.
Monday Archie turned "sweet sixteen" and the occasion was celebrated by a surprise party in the Mimeograph Room--- angel food cake and two kinds of ice cream ---mmmmmmh! Gee, isn't it nice to have a birthday. Archie's birthday wish: That everyone in the group, including himself, will be married by the time another birthday rolls around.
Mrs. Barrett moved down to the main floor of the Ad Building on Tuesday of last week.
We have a seer in our midst, whose talents for clairveyance and chicanery rival those of soothsayers and sorcerers of ancient times. If you are interested in having your past, present and future expounded, see Archie the Palmist, who may still be found in the Mimeograph Room. However, the volume of business he is enjoying indicates that we will soon find him established in his tent, muttering his abracadabra over crystal balls and mystic symbols.
Last Thursday members of the Mail and Records feted Kit Cecil with ice Cream and angel food cake in honor of her birthday. To further celebrate the occasion Kit took the afternoon off and drove to Casper, Wyoming, to visit her sister and mother. She returned to work Tuesday.
Due to the three-day holiday and the spring-like weather, many from Igloo motored to Rapid City and other Hills' towns. Collie Hopkins represented her Branch in Rapid City.
To the list of famous February birthdays, Mail and Records added that of Kit Cecil's Saturday and LaVose Peterson's Tuesday. More ice cream and angel food