(original in the Helen McGee Collection at the Hot Springs Public Library)
(cont. of Mail and Records)
cake and lovely gift for LaVose. Mrs. Bailey, Librarian of the Administrative Branch, is the culinary artist who baked the superb cakes on both occasions.
A farewell pot-luck luncheon for Louise Giedd was given Wednesday noon in the Mail and Records room. After three and a half years in this Branch, Louise is leaving for home and employment at Avon, South Dakota. Her cheerful and winning personality will be greatly missed.
On her return from Casper, Kit Cecil received a beautiful birthday gift from the girls of the section.
Walter Bayes and Lyle Brimmer have bought a service station and repair shop at Moorecroft, Wyoming. Mr. Brimmer has terminated from his job here and will manage the new partnership business.
John Irwin is in Alliance, Nebr., where he has secured a temporary job as guard at the Army Airbase, which has been abandoned and dismantled. Mrs. Irwin is with him for the present. Their daughter, Mrs. Muske, who lives there, underwent a major operation last Saturday.
Frank Kalal returned Sunday from a week's leave, which he spent visiting friends in Rosebud country and Nebraska.
Van Goodman's son, who has been confined in the Deppot Hospital for several weeks with an attact of rheumatic fever, was released this week.
Earl Crum, proprietor of the local clothingstore, a few weeks ago noised it quietly to women acquaintances that he had a shipment of Nyons coming. The shipment came, couple of dozen pairs or so, and Earl's women friends made a lineup in which the yardage of legs, clamoring for the silky covering, exceeded the yardage of hose by yards to inches. Earl fled from the store and now shivers every time he sees a bare-legged woman, for the hose shortage is a bare and serious act. No more "bare information to women" says Earl.
Mrs. Jo Hutchison had as week end guests her father and sister from Rapid City, Mr. Claud Wood and Miss Dorothy Wood. Dorothy is still visiting with the Hutchisons.
Mr. Harvey Millay, formerly of the Service Branch, is with Payroll now. We welcome his smiling face among us.
Pearle Swinson spent the week end recuperating from her trip to Mule Creek. She was wearing black on Monday. For further particulars see Pearle.
Latest report from Bob Harris, er telephone onveration with Pat, reveala he is doing a lot of restng, ejoying his mother's good cooking and doing some more resting.
Miss Mae Timma and Mr. Joe D. Corbin were married Saturday evening, February 22nd, at six o'clock, in the Congregational parsonage at Ekalaka, Mont. Mrs. Corbin has been employed in Payroll for three and a half years. Mr. Corbin is the superintendent of the Long Construction Company. Congratulations, Mr and Mrs. Corbin,from your many friends.
Who were the lucky three from Payroll who got in on the birthday party for Archer Gilfillan? Yum, yum, did the ice cream and cake ever taste good!
Payroll charivaried Mr. and Mrs. Joe Corbin Tuesday evening at the Timma home. A lovely gift was presented to the newlyweds and refreshments were served by the group.
A Sulton at odds with his harem
thought up a good way he could scare 'em;
He caught him a mouse,
Turned it loose in the house,
And started the first harem scarem.