(original in the Helen McGee Collection at the Hot Springs Public Library)
During the Lenten Season, beginning March 7th, the Lutheran Mission of Our Savior will sponsor weekly devotions for all residents of Igloo. The devotions will be conducted in the chapel at 8:00 o'clock each Thursday evening. Lenten music on the new chapel organ, prayers, and a 10-minute meditiation by the pastor of the church will be featured.
Christ's last words from the Cross will be the theme of the series of six services. On March 7th the topic is to be the first word, "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do."
Everyone is invited to attend these deotional services in memory of the passion of Our Lord. The Rev. Eugene Beltz, pastor of the Lutheran church, states that these services will be conducted not only for regular church members, but especially for those who have no church-home in this community.
The game with Oelrichs which is given in the Community Building Schedule as to be played March 7th was advanced to last Wednesday, but the information was received too late to make the correction on the schedule.
It seems that our editor is taking advantage of the younger set of this division, and heretell that he has broadened his victim list. A new and different method of a romantic approach has been tried, and quite successfully handled. While the girls are intently engrossed in his future holdings for them, he outwardly and convincingly calls them a flirt - and gets by with it.
"Variety is the spice of life," and Control has had its dose lately. This week we are initiating Miss Rheuva Wegner and Olaf Olson into our methods. Rheuva has jus recetly been discharged from the WAVES and is our "shorthand" girl; Ole has transferred in from Storage. We welcome both of you and hope you like it here.
French George was on annual leave Tuesday afternoon. After those last two weeks of overtime and pressure at the office, we think it would take at least two weeks more to rest up.
We all appreciated the "long week end." and spent it as our different temperaments dictated.
C. E. Bricker, a representative of the Rock Island Arsenal, was calling on Stock Control in his official capacity during this week.
We are welcoming back an old-timer in Stock Control this week. Lorraine Kozel consented to return and help us out, since she is experienced in every phase of Stock Control work. Lorraine is the oldest employee in point of service, with the exception of Mr. Wolvington. She is at present occupying the desk vacated by Dorothy Wies as secretary to Mr. Wolvington.
More change -- nothing permanent any more it seems -- Patricia Beebe (nee Woytassek) is leaving us to make a home for her husband. Though we are sorry to see her go, everyone knows that that is the way it should be. Someone else has a definite say as to our actions when we take on a partner, eh Pat? Anyway we will expect inside track on POUNDS of butter and DOZENS of fresh eggs - Think we'll get them?
Dorothy Wies is now comfortably situated at Patricia's vacated desk taking over the job in Surplus Property, which Pat has so efficiently filled.
All employees of Stock Control Division extend sympathy to Mrs. Irma Novak and family in the loss of hushand and father. Bill Richer of Stock Accounting