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Black Hills Ordnance Depot

Igloo Magazine

March 1, 1946

March 1, 1946                                    -IGLOO MAGAZINE-                                    Page 7


(Week of Feb. 11-13)

      Team                  Won       Lost

Post Engineers            53         19

Surveillance I              49         23

Fire Fighters                49         23

Officers                       47         25

Storage                       43         29

Trading Post                43         29

Surveillance II             43         29

5827 Club                   40         32

Electricians                  35         37

Carpenters                  32         40

Edgemont                   27         45

VFW's                         23         49

(Week of Feb. 18-20)

      Team                  Won       Lost

Post Engineers            55         21

Fire Fighters                52         24

Officers                       49         27

Surveillance I              49         27

Trading Post                47         29

Surveillance II             44         32

Storage                       44         32

5827 Club                   41         35

Electricians                 38         38

Carpenters                  32         44

Edgemont                   31         45

VFW's                         26         50


(Same for both weeks)

High Individual Averages

Winters                 178

Denzer                  170

Conerton               169

High 3-Game Series

I. Harold                  594

High Single Game

P. Thompson             244


Robert C. Valandry of the Post Engineers went to Alliance, Nebr., last Thursday to attend a banquet and initiation if the Elks of which he is a member, returning Sunday morning. He also visited his sister.


On Wednesday, Febrary 20th, the BHOD Vets played Hot Springs on the local floor,with a resulting score of 31-37 in favor of Hot Springs. This, by coincidence, represents the exact margin by which Hot Springs defeated the Vets in their home town. But, in spite of that, it was a good game and hotly fought from start to finish. Crutch of Hot Springs was the outstanding player for that team. On the Vets side, all the players combined to make it a good game. Vet players were: Baumann, Kammerzell, Gaebler, Connelly, Allgood, Putscher, McGregor, Wolvington, Luke and Winters.

Week after next the Vets play Crawford at Igloo. This game was to have been played sooner, but the fact that the Crawford team is to take part in the tournament at Harrison, Nebr., caused the temporary postponement of this game.



Wednesday night, February 27th, in their game with Oelrichs, the Igloo Vets took a lead and clung to it, defeating their opponents by a score of 44 to 47. Bennett was high-point man of the game for Oelrichs with 24 points.

Gaebler was high-point man for the Vets with 17 points. The score at the half was 17 to 18 in favor of the Vets. Oelrichs came up in the last quarter and was within two points of tying in the last four minutes of the game. Gaeler's last three points in the last half minute to go proved the winning margin. The Vets led all the way after the first few minutes.

Cross and Cooper, reporting.

SERVICE BRANCH (Cont'd from Page 3)

in the housing Office, replacing Verna Batchelder, We hope she likes us.

Orie Ursin, a janitor in the Service Branch, was discharged from the Hospital this week and has gone to his home in Minnesota to recuperate. He suffered a car accident near Christmas time.

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