(original in the Helen McGee Collection at the Hot Springs Public Library)
The Senior Class will present their play, "Girl Shy," within the next three weeks, the definite date of which will appear in the next issue of the Igloo. In this play by Katherine Kavanaugh, an exceptionly girl-shy youth takes matters into his own hands, when his father insists that he marry the home town girl. Many interesting complications arise, as he becomes involved with a millionairess.
The cast is as follows: Tom Arsdale, Ted Birdsall; Oke Stemson, Douglas McKroskey; Caroline, Marolyn Schoenbeck; Anthony Arsdale, James Ritter; Sylvia Webster, Mavis Smith; Dean Manlow, Tilman Schrank; Peaches Cartin, Creta Boschma; Asma, Nora Cottrell; Birdie Laverne, Dorothy Forbord; Barbara Sanford, Kathryn Schoonmaker; Alfred Tennipan Murgatoyd, Gordon Jackman; Chuck Mayo, James Nafziger. The Production Staff follows: Prompters, Nora Cottrell and Beth Culver; Stage Manager, Don Burnison; Assistants, Bob Silvernale and Kenneth Adams; Sales Manager, Evelyn Gunderson; Make-up, Miss Timma; Director, Mrs. Boner; Student Director, Douglas McKroskey.
The first year home economics class culminated a study of meal planning with a luncheon Tuesday. The girls were divided into three groups, each group planning, purchasing, preparing, serving and consuming a different menu. Miss Ward and Miss Brown were guests.
The Home Ec. II class served tea Thursday to all the high school girls and the high school faculty. The Senior girls poured.
The Rattlers closed their basketball season with the tournament last Friday and Saturday. They played two games at the tournament, winning from Edgemont Friday evening with a score of 30 to 19. They led the Ogalala Team Saturday afternoon into the final quarter, only to lose by a final score of 28 to 26. Their season closed with a total of 10 wins and 6 losses.
The Annual goes to press this week. There are still Annuals available at $1.75 per book. You may reserve an Annual by contacting either Miss Ward or Miss Ferrero at Phone 23.
For the benefit of those who had ping-pong pictures taken at the Community Building by the O'Neill Photographers, the pictures are here at the school house and you may call for them.
Now that high school basketball is over, we are busy organizing ping pong, Badminton, volley ball and track. The ping pong and badminton facilities have been getting a good workout for several weeks. A tournament schedule is being set up and will be played off soon. Track will begin March 15th. A marble tourney for the grades will get underway whenever the weather permits and grade basketball is brought to a close.
and Arlene Chilson of General Supplies represented the division at the funeral, which was held Tuesday from the Battle Mountain Facility, Hot Springs.
W. O. Hansen, Traveling Representative for the War Assets Corporation, Consumer Goods Division, made his regular call this week, checking, conferring and advising those in charge.
Some excitement here Tuesday. The motor of one of the heating units burned out with considerable smoke and gas. We almost thought the joint was on fire somewhere (we hope?). Oh no, WHO SAID THAT?
Mrs. Lundeen and her husband drove up to their ranch Thursday evening, NW of Hot Springs. They have leased to Norman.