(original in the Helen McGee Collection at the Hot Springs Public Library)
Wedding bells rang out over Igloo, S. Dak., on Saturday, May 4, 1946, for Lt. Marjorie Hosler and Lt. Vernon Dehner. They were joined in wedlock by the Rev. Eugene Beltz in the Chapel at 4;00 p. m. The bride walked down the aisle on the arm of Col. Fletcher, who gave her away. The couple were attended by Capt. Jones and Miss Alice Peterson. The newlyweds will make their home here at Igloo. A reception was held in the Officers' Club after the ceremony. The mother of the bride came on for the wedding, as did two brothers of Lt. Dehner. The best wishes of a host of friends will accompany the happy couple in their new venture.
George A. Freemole, who is in charge of the fruit and vegetable department at the Trading Post, received word Sunday that he has been awarded the Croix de Guerre with bronze star by the French Government. Freemole was First Sergeant of a Quartermaster Truck Company in the European Theater. The citation, signed by General De Gaulle, reads: "For exceptional services rendered in the course of the operations of the war for the liberation of France." Although the decoration was bestowed October 30, 1945, word of it has just been received. The many friends of George Freemole will all join in congratulating
him on the high honor r*******
doubtedly earned and de******
(2.5" X 5" cutout on pages 1 and 2)
There were two promot********
Lt. Boelter and Lt. Leo*********
Capt. Boelter and Capt.*********
Capt. and Mrs. Losh ha******
guests his parents, Dr. ******
and Grandfather Losh.
On Friday, May 4th, th******
Igloo held a "guest nigh****
each veteran), at which ******
ber were present. The n******
ry attractive, with one ****
chairs, lounges and othe****
the opposite side by poo****
A special feature was a *****
game heads and Indian cu****
die Herman. Although a ****
beer had been ordered, i****
by 10:30. A free dutch ****
ed by the Veterans Club.
Thursday evening of last week the Auditorium of the Community Building was packed to hear the choir from the Nebraska State Teachers College of Chadron, which presented a program which was the equal of anything of the kind that has been heard here. The applause following each number was prolonged and the encores frequent. The program was varied, with chorus singing, a trio, a violin solo, a baritone solo, and a recitation, with a pleasing mixture of the classical, the chorus was conducted by Prof. Yardley, for
************** of music at the Chadron
***************oir made its oppearance
************ces of the Business and
************men's Club and the Kiwanis
*************his Depot. Prior to the
************sitors were entertained at
************ rivate room of the res-
************two clubs, who also had
************* of the local high school
***********ts both at the banquet and
***********rans, a softball team re-
************Depot, covered themselves
*********** Wednesday night, when in
************ at Fort Robinson they de-
************sts 10 to 2 and the Craw-
************ 6. That might be calle
************Next Wednesday this team
************Robinson here at Igloo,
************ng Wednesday, May 22nd,
************Crawford here. (Since
************ve, it was learned that
************cams represented the BHOD
************mes. That just means we
************teams instead of one. Both
************. Next week we will have
************ the teams. Ed.)