(original in the Helen McGee Collection at the Hot Springs Public Library)
On Page 7 of this issue is a discussion of the process by which a veteran may obtain a surplus vehicle on this Depot. It has already appeared in the Daily Information Sheet, but it is so important that we thought it should be in the Igloo also.
On the preceding page is a poetical lament from an unknown poet of the Surveilance Division. It was received just too late for publication last week, but doubtless the poet feels just as bad about the rain this week.
The boys of the 8th Grade celebrated Clean-Up Week by removing the tables and benches from Cole Creek opposite Kiwa Park. This was a most practical way of demonstrating their willingness to be up with the times; but it is sad that when they had removed the park furniture from the muddy creek, it would take at least a week to clean themselves up. How the benches ever came to be in the creek is still a deep mystery; but if the empty dam hadn't caught the run-off from the recent rain, the benches would have been in the Cheyenne or the Missouri by now.
We welcome the return of the Transportation notes this week and we are sorry that there was not room for all of them and the Hospital Notes. They will appear next week. As the case stands, the abundance of material indicates a short editorial page. This paper operates on the system outlined by the preacher, "The shorter the collection, the longer the sermon." So if you don't like editorializing, send in some news.
Special attention is called to the "Important Notice" in the nest column. It will mean jobs for several, and it might as well be you if you are qualified. For awhile I thought I might get to be a life guard myself, because I taught several girls to swim and they liked it so much they wanted to learn all over again. But I am reminded of the fat man who got where it was too deep to wade and too shallow to swim. He drowned.
The Personnel Division announces that the following positions are to be filled shortly: Two life guards at $30 per week, for which the requirements are a high school education and the ability to pass the Red Cross life saving test; one woman playgroud supervisor at $30 per week, for which the requirements are a high school education and some knowledge or experience of playground work; and two locker boys at $20 per week, who must be at least 16 years old. Application blanks for the above positions may be secured from Mr. Steinlicht of the Housing Office, Building 106. Applications should be in by June 1st.
FOR SALE- - - Eureka vacuum cleaner, and table, table lamp, hanging shelf, and metal bed with coil spring and mattress. Call at 402-D or telephone 264-W, after working hours.
FOR SALE - - - Boy's blue, all-wool, three-piece suit, size 14, in good condition.
FOR SALE - - - Singer Sewing Machine, good condition. The first $25 takes it. May be seen at 1000-B.
Anyone interested in playing hard ball, get into contact with Slim Williams or Bill Winters.
Due to the existing coal strike there is a critical storage of coal throughout the Nation. Every tenant on the Depot is urged to use only coal enough to insure their comfort and health. Keep the doors and windows of the building closed in order that the maximum amount of heat may be obtained from a minimum amount of coal. Your co-operation in the conservation of coal will be greatly appreciated.