(original in the Helen McGee Collection at the Hot Springs Public Library)
Frenchy George finally got his fishing rod in practice over the week end - - only to be rained out after a nice little start! Better luck next time.
Speaking of being rained out, Marilyn Carlson's folks aren't so sure they believe all they've heard about the South Dakota sunshine. Oh yes, Mt. Rushmore was lovely, very lovely - - what you could see of it through the clouds, but getting stuck in the mud on the Pringle cut-across was quite another story. Wonderful sightseeing country, the Hills!
Could that far-away look in Alva Leraas' eyes be due to the fact that Frenchy approved her leave request? Have a grand time, Alva.
Marilyn Carlson has been transferred to Personnel Division. We miss her smiling face here, but, thank goodness, she hasn't gone any further than upstairs.
Pearle Swinson was a shopper in Rapid City, Saturday.
Little Miss Sandra Mershon visited for a week in Marsland, Nebraska. She was accompanied by her aunt, Eleanora Varvel.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hutchison went fishing Sunday near Blue Bell. They didn't come home empty-handed either.
Frances Smizer is still seriously ill.
Mrs. Tiffany went to Hot Springs Wednesday to bring her husband home from the Battle Mountain Sanitarium.
Pat Reynolds was in Hot Springs last Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bailey went to Sylvan Lake last Sunday fishing. They report good luck with the trout, but not enough to qualify them for a year's subscription to the Igloo.
The time is short when Capt. Williamson can go looking for "the spinster."
This news is a little bit late,
But 'twill bring us all up-to-date.
Have you seen it? My land - -
Third finger, left hand.
Geneva, you sure met your fate.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lundeen of Hot Springs were here Tuesday, visiting at the E. Blaisdell home.
Mrs. Richard Goulding and Miss Dorothy Cook are on a two-weeks' leave. The ladies left Friday for Minneapolis on a combined business and pleasure trip.
Ed Gray, a former Chief of the Guards in 1942, is a candidate for the Republican nomination for sheriff of Custer County. Ed served two terms as sheriff and was also a deputy for some time in the '30's for his county.
An alarm clock in a newly-established jewelry store in Custer woke Winifred Mershon up to the fact that she was the lucky winner of a child's toy silver set. Parties in the store won free gifts every time the alarm went off.
J. W. Painter, formerly of the Guard Force, states that some one on the Area borrowed a hand scale from him while he was here. He would like to have it returned to Howard Jones, 305-B.
Bill Dedrikson went on leave Tuesday, making a trip to Hot Springs.
A birthday party was given in honor of Leona Enskat's birthday, May 7th. The affair was held at the City Park, Hot Springs, with a picnic dinner and then a frolic in the Evans plunge. Fifteen friends from here attended. She received many nice presents but, outside of goodwill, gave out nothing, not even her age, which is still a military secret, until the war is declared officially over.