(original in the Helen McGee Collection at the Hot Springs Public Library)
1st Lts. Alice O'Rourke and Margaret Lauer have joined our staff. They arrived Thursday from Camp Carson, Colo., to assume duties at the Hospital.
"Lt. Hosler" is in the clouds we have not been able to get news of her wedding which occurred Saturday. Lt. Dehner was the "lucky man." Lt. Peterson arrived here for the wedding and to visit friends. She is enjoying civilian life once more.
Lt. Hosler's mother arrived last week to be at her daughter's wedding. Lt. Dehner's two brothers were here also.
Who is excited at the Hospital? Couldn't be Capt. Losh? His wife arrived home bringing company with her. Also the reduction in discharge points may have something to do with it!!!
Mrs. Busher, R. N., is mothering an increase in her family. Thirteen baby chicks arrived at her house during the week. She lives in Edgemont. We may be invited some day to dinner on fried chicken.
Mrs Vetters visited the Wayne Martin family here over the week end. They enjoyed an outing in Provo.
Robert Carlson, X-ray Tech., is entertaining his father and mother from Fort Dodge, Iowa. The families toured the Hills over the week end. Robert will be on annual leave part of next week to take care of business.
Roy Lambert enjoyed a visit with his son, Robert, and Mr. H. M. Lambert and wife from Estherville, Iowa, over the week end here.
Lela Johnson of the Surveillance Division is visiting in Denver.
Life in the big city became too complicated, so Mrs. Bailey returned to work in the Surveillance Division. A most welcome addition.
Paul Thompson and Mrs. Thompson spent the week end in Rapid City, trying to separate 22 stores from some nylons. No luck!
Several new inspectors have recently arrived at BHOD. Wayne Flack, New York Post of Embarkation, James Raiford and Horace Deans, Hampton Roads, Va., Harold Fix, Searsport Port, Maine, and Louis McBay of the same place. For most of the inspectors, it is their first trip west. They expect to hunt this coming season - - if someone will hold the deer.
God Bless America - 8th grade
Sundown - - 8th grade
Wild Irish Rose - - Arlys Schrank, Rita Rostad
School Days - - 1st to 8th grades
Hail South Dakota - - 1st to 8th grades
The general public is invited to attend.
Mrs. Williams returned Tuesday after a ten-day leave.
Mr. Steinlicht suffered a sprained foot and has been unable to be at his desk this week.
Faith Husaboe was a Sunday visitor in Newcastle.
Naomi Hunter was an Edgemont shopper Saturday.
Mary Hegen injured her hip in a fall last week and is still off duty.
Judd Robinson came to work Monday morning with a fish story that he had been up to Legion Lake Saturday. We are still questioning his catch.
Hattie Vlhauer was a business caller in Hot Springs Saturday.
Due to the fact that Transportation Division has been composed of only three members until recently, no news has been in the Igloo for quite some time. Mr. Hyatt says, "Midnight escapades, eating and sleeping are definitely no news." Now that we have undergone a number of changes and have more members, we feel that some news will be available once a week. Several different branches have gone under the Transportation Division, as follows: Rail Operations Section, Freight Consolidation Section, Locomotive Maintenance Section, and Motor Transportation Branch. Welcome.
Due to these changes, the office has been given a little more "breathing space" and is reserving room for five desks, for Capt. Gerard H. Mozian, C. G. Hyatt, Lenore Sheaman, Rosa Mills, Leo Henen, and Mrs. Verna Steun. (Due to lack of space, the rest of this interesting batch of notes will be run next week. Ed.)