Vol. 2 No. 43 | page 3 | Oct. 23, 1953 |
At the regular meeting of the Provo PTA, Igloo which was held Monday evening, three projects were planned for the year. First - to assist financially in the remodeling of the large gymnasium in the Community Building so that the floor will be regular size and there will be more bleachers, second - to purchase skirts needed for the cheerleaders, and third - to help with band incidentals.
The meeting was called to order by Mrs. Elmer Sebring, president, followed by the pledge to the flag and silent prayer. Reports of committees were given and it was interesting to note that there are now 164 members. It was also decided to hold no business meeting in November, but to assist the school at open house, November 12, during American Education Week.
The program began with community singing led by Mrs. D. Bauer, a skit by T. C. Lorenz, D. L. Harbaugh and the Rev. R. H. Rosenau, and a talk in "Moral and Spiritual Influences of the Home, School and Community" by Rev. Rosenau.
The three cakes were won by Arthur Hoffer, Mrs. Sidney Peterson and Mrs. Arleigh Farrell.
Lunch was served by the mothers of Mrs. Keane's fourth grade and the committee in charge consisted of Mrs. R. Schnitger, Mrs. Roland Taylor, Mrs. Reinhold Lorenz, and Mrs. T. Campbell.
Vol. 2 No. 50 | page 11 | Dec. 11, 1953 |
In a concerted effort to furnish Igloo's children and adults a safe place to skate, the PTA and Civilian Welfare Council have joined forces and have come up with an excellant plan.
The football field will be banked and flooded, there will be bleachers on which to rest, and coffee and coca will be sold.
Because of unsafe bleachers and a project to resod the field, the baseball diamond will not be used.
Members of the PTA committee are: Del Harbaugh, Henry Hagen and Marie Southworth.
Announcement of the rink's opening will be made in the daily sheet.
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