Vol. II No. 12 | page 13 | March 26, 1943 |
Since the Share-The-Ride Program was inaugurated at this Depot, rides have been provided for dozens of employees who would have otherwise have had no means of coming to work.
Most of the workers who live off the Depot reside either at Edgemont or Hot Springs, which makes our Share-The-Ride Program comparatively simple. At the present there are 28 autos going back and forth to Hot Springs each day, carrying a total of 113 persons. There are 25 autos each day, from Edgemont, with a total of 95 riders. Because of the increase in "off-time" shifts, the average per car is not as high as it was a few weeks ago. However, with an average of 4.03 persons per car from Hot Springs and 3.80 from Edgemont, we do have a creditable showing, especially when it is considered that there are some coupes being used and that some of the cars coming in a odd hours cannot be loaded to capacity.
Because of changing personnel and the fact that the trend of employees is towards residence at the Depot, due to increasing housing facilities in apartments and family houses, it has been necessary to make a canvass about once a month to keep abreast of changing conditions. This has been done by forwarding mimeographed forms to the Department Heads, who in turn pass them on to all employees living off the Depot. There was some difficulty experienced at first in getting those forms filled out and returned but through the help of the Igloo Magazine and the further fact that workers found that the Share-The-Ride Program could help them when rides were desired, there has been much better cooperation in recent weeks. Many car owners are now calling to advise that they have space for additional riders. It means that they will have a full car and that their expenses will be greatly reduced. This type of cooperation has been most helpful.
So if you have a vacancy in your car and want a rider; if you are going to Rapid City or some other point over the week end; of if you need a ride ---- telephone Miss Cummings on local 49. The Share-The-Ride Program was brought into being to serve you ---- use it.
- - - Lt. W. V. Kee