image of main gate

Black Hills Ordnance Depot


The Igloo Magazine

The Igloo Magazine

Vol. II No. 21 page 4 May 28, 1943


Dorothy Hubbard has rejoined the ranks of the WOWS - - - and Special Service, where she was employed last fall. We are glad to have friend Dort back with us again.

Donna Morstad has gone home to be with her mother, who is ill. We sincerely hope that her mother recovers quickly.

Camilla Lippman left Wednesday for a short, but exciting visit to Lemmon, South Dakota, and Bismarck, North Dakota. Did you say they were going to get the band out, Cam?

P.R. DuBrae took a 5 day leave to Springfield, South Dakota, to take in the commencement exercises of her old Alma Mater.

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